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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE summer is now over, and the collecting season of the Life - boat Saturday Fund for the current year is therefore practically at an end.

Much has been attempted by the thousands of workers in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and much, we are glad to report, has been accomplished.

All must agree, however, that "all said and done" the people of our nautically - inclined country have not been over liberal in the financial support they have given in response to the self-denying efforts made throughout the land, either by the Institution's branches or by the Life-boat Saturday Fund, to raise funds — much - needed funds — for the maintenance .of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

The workers have done well, nay more, splendidly, but their encouragement from the public has been far too meagre. There are many things in connection with which our people might well " wake up," and the privilege of giving with an unstinted hand to the Life-boat Institution is one of them.

The Life-boat Institution, with its gallant crews, has done much for the 1 country in minimising year by year the serious loss of life from shipwreck which year in and year out takes place on the coasts of the United Kingdom, and thousands of families retain the " breadwinner" who would now, but | for the Institution's prompt and successful action, have been " sorrowing and bereaved." But what a poor return is given ! It is not creditable that this should be so, and we would plead with all who are proud of their country and their name, to help and encourage those who so freely spend their time in efforts, not always pleasant ones, to promote the well-being and efficiency of the grand old life-saving service for which they so enthusiastically labour. Everyone can do or give something and this should not be forgotten. If you are not as yet connected with a branch of the Institution, a Life-boat Ladies' Auxiliary, or your local Life-boat Saturday Fund, lose no time in becoming so, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing and feeling that you are at all events doing something to mitigate those terrible evils which mean "sorrow on the sea.".