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At 3.45 A.M.

on the 13th April the Coxswain of the Life-boat was called by the Coastguard, who stated that they thought a vessel was ashore. The Coxswain at once pro- ceeded to the beach, but he was unable to distinguish anything and returned home, but he was at once called out again, as the Coastguard had located something on the Newcome Sands.

The crew were at once summoned, and the No. 2 Life-boat Stock Exchange left in tow of a tug, there being a very strong E.N.E. wind. On reaching the wreck it was seen that the foretop mast had gone and that three of the crew were clinging to the foremast, whilst two others were in the water on the wreckage. The boat was anchored and veered down to the ship, a line was made fast, and the boat pulled near to the vessel. An endeavour was then made to save the two men in the water, but it was impossible owing to the wreckage being athwart the boat, and whilst waiting for an opportunity to reach them a heavy sea broke over the wreckage washing them away, and nothing more was seen of them. Just about this time the main topmast was carried away and fell right across the Life-boat, but happily no one was hurt.

The wreckage was cut away, and the Life-boat was then pulled close in under the mast, and the men in the rigging dropped into the boat and were saved.

Owing to the heaviness of the sea the Coxswain was obliged to cut the cable and lines and get clear of the wreck as quickly as possible. The res- cued men were all in a state of ex- haustion due to cold and exposure, and had it not been for the stimulants administered in the boat, would pro- bably have collapsed. Sail was made_ and with all despatch they were con- veyed to Lowestoft, which was reached about 6 A.M.

The vessel was the schooner Caledonia, of Faversham, bound from Seaham to Whitstable with coal, and one of the crew stated that when she stranded on the sands it was so thick with rain that all shore lights were obscured.

The seas commenced to break over the vessel, and all hope of being saved had been given up..