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Rebecca and Mary

On the 20th February a large schooner was observed making for Liverpool, and she came to anchor about five miles off St.

Anne's. As there was a strong gale blowing from the north-west and a very heavy sea running, a look out was kept by the Life-boat men throughout the night. Next morning the vessel had drifted, her sails had blown away, and she appeared to be dragging her anchors, the No. 1 Life-boat Nora Royds was therefore taken on her carriage along the sands to the north for about a mile and a half and launched. Good progress •was made and the Life-boat was quickly alongside the schooner, which proved to be the Rebecca and Mary, of Beaumaris, bound from Plymouth to Liverpool with a cargo of china clay. At the request of the master the Life-boat stood by the vessel for about four hours, when a tug took her in tow for Liverpool..