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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

IP one can judge by the energy and " push " which have during the last few months been exercised by our Life-boat Saturday Fund friends up and down the country, excellent financial results should be achieved. The summer is naturally the high season of the movement, because it works principally out of doors and is therefore dependent in no small degree on good weather. The best and grandest life-saving work of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION is no doubt done during the winter months, when the " winds whistle and the tempests roar," but most of the money raised by the Life-boat Saturday Fund is secured when the public are enjoying " summer breezes" and are perhaps in a more genial state of mind.

All said and done, however, it is abundantly clear that the financial support given to the oldest Life-boat Service in the world, which has been instrumental in saving so many thousands of lives from a watery grave, is far too small when the wealth of the country is considered and how much the whole population is dependent on the safety of the sea-going community. It behoves everybody to give a helping hand to such a national and important object, and we would express the earnest hope that no opportunity will be lost by the readers of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL to encourage by every possible means in their power those who sacrifice their time and in some instances even their health to promote the efficiency of the Life-boat Service. We appeal to all, but more especially to Britain's women, to look to it that this Service of which our country professes to be so proud is not starved for lack of means, and that the necessary funds are raised to enable the Committee of Management to carry on as heretofore the great work entrusted to them thoroughly, efficiently, and well. The Life-boat Saturday Fund exists for this purpose. Give the Fund therefore a helping hand.