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Flares were observed by the Coastguard watchman at 3.30 A.M. on the llth February, from a vessel apparently ashore on the West Barnard Sands. There was a strong S.S.W. wind blowing, and a heavy sea was running, while the weather was bitterly cold. Instructions were given for the No. 2 Life-boat, St. Paul, to be launched, which was done very smartly. The vessel proved to be the smack Herald, of Ramsgate. She was leaking very badly and her crew of three hands were waiting to be taken off. They were transferred to the Life-boat and the Coxswain decided, on account of the weather, to make for Lowestoft, where he landed them. A tug was then engaged to take the Life-boat home, but on the way she again visited the scene of the wreck to see if it would be possible, with the assistance of the tug, to salve the smack. On arrival how- ever it was found that the vessel was totally submerged and beginning to break up. The boat therefore made for home, Kessingland being reached during the morning..