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brigantine Adelaide, of Fowey, with a cargo of coal for Par, was anchored in ParBayonthe nightof the 12thFebruary a S.S.W. gale sprang up. The vessel dragged her anchors, losing one and finally bringing up in shallow water, close to rocks, near the entrance to Par Harbour.

In the early morning at low water she took the ground and commenced to bump heavily. Signals were made, and in response the Life-boat James William, and Caroline Courtney was launched at 2.30 A.M. As the vessel floating with the rising tide the crew of six men would not leave her, but the Captain asked the Life-boat Coxswain to stand by him, which they did. Later the weather moderated, and at 5 A.M., when nearly high water, the Life-boat signalled for further assistance, and a tug came from Fowey. About 7 A.M.

she took the vessel in tow, but as she was leaking badly the Coxswain put four Life-boatmen on board, and they assisted to take her to Fowey, where she was safely docked..