Special Life-Boat Funds
Vice-Patrons— The Most Hon. the MARQUIS OF Ripon, K.O.
The Right Hon. ARTHUR J. BALFOUR, M.P.
Sir W. W. KARSLAKE, K.C. (late Inland Revenue).
Treasurer — The Right Hon. Sir RALPH H. KNOX, K.C.B.
Hon. Secretary— H. FINCHAM, Esq., I.S.O.
Annual Subscriptions of 2s. M. and Donations in aid of the above Fund were contributed by the Officials in the following Government Departments and Offices during the year 1908, Vie total amount paid to the Institution as the result of the year's collection beiny £1,549 13s.3d.
Bankruptcy Department.
Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Board of Education, South Kensington.
Board of Education , Whit. -hall.
Board of Trade.
British Museum.
Charity Commi sion.
Civil Service Commission.
Colonial Office.
Dachy of Lancaster Office.
Ecclesiastical Commission.
Exchequer and Audit Office.
Foreign Offlre.
General Post Office.
Provincial Post Offices.
Geological Survey Office.
Government Laboratory.
High Court of Justice.
Home Office.
House of Common?.
House of Lords.
India Office.
Inland Revenue.
Land Registry Office.
Local Government Board .
Lunacy Commission.
National Debt Office.
Nautical Almanac Office.
Office of Woods and Forests.
Office of Works.
Patent Office.
Paymaster-General's Offloe.
•Privy Conncil Office.
; Public Record Office.
Public Works Loan Office.
• Queen Anne's Bounty.
! Record Office of Seamen.
i Registrar-General's Office.
*• Royal Army Clothing Department.
; Royal Hospital, Chelsea.
' Royal Hint.
Royal Naval College, Greenwich.
i Royal Observatory, Greenwich.
; Sootcb Education Department.
Scottish Office, Whitehall.
Stationery Office.
War Office.
Auditor of the Court of Sessloui Office.
Board of Lunacy.
Board of Manufactures.
Chancery Office.
Commissary Office.
Crown Office.
Fishery Board.
ieneral Post Office.
Provin-lal Post Offices.
General Register of Sasines, Homings, &c.
General Record Office.
Geological Survey of Scotland.
Inland Revenue.
Justiciary Office.
Local Government Board.
Prison Commission.
feeistrar General's Office.
Royal Scottish Museum.
Sheriffs Courts.
Signet OIBce.
Board of Public Works.
Chief Secretary's Office.
Department of Agriculture.
Due-tin Metropolitan Police.
Dublin Metropolitan Police Office.
General Post Office.
Provincial Post Offices.
General Prisons Boar.l.
General Register OBce.
General Snrvey and Valuation Office.
Geological Survey Office.
High Court of Justice.
luland Revenue.
Institutions of Science and Art.
Irish Land Commission.
Local Government Board.
Office of National E-lucatior.
Royal Irish Constabulary Office, Dublin Castle.
Stationery Office.
Teachers' Pension Office, Dublin.
Treasury Remembrancer's Office.
Hon. Secretary— GEOBGE MONBO, Esq.
Annual Subscriptions.
£ l. d.
Austin, J - 5 - Beckwith, G 1 1 - Bigg.L - 5 - Bra Inum. J - 5 - Buck, Mrs -10 6 Buck, The Misses -10 6 Butler, J I 1 - Collinridge, J. & Co - 10 6 Colman.W. J. & Sons 1 1 - Cooling, Tnos - 10 6 Day, George - 10 Dwyer, Con 1 1 Elders & Fyffes, Ltd 1 1 ti,ma.nu.el, B 1 1 Flook, H - 10 Harris, L 1 1 Hewett,S - 10 Israel. M - 10 Jay, W 1 1 Jenkins,! - 10 Jones E - 10 Kauffman, Cha- 1 1 Levy, K 1 1 Lobjoit & Son - 10 Ix)we, Joseph 1 1 Medlock, Mrs 1 1 Miles, H - 10 Monro, A. J 1 1 Monro, B. J - 10 Monro, E. G - 10 Monro, George 1 1 Monro, Geo., junr 1 1 Morgan, W - 10 Pallaut, T J 1 1 Plum, T., & Son - 10 Pollard, A W 1 1 Poupart, T. J - 10 Read, B., Ltd 1 1 Rides, H I 1 Ridlev and HuuMing 1 1 Rochford, Edmund I 1 Roehford, John 1 Rochford, Joseph 1 Rochford, Thos. & Sons 1 Rolls, E 1 Rouse, J 1 Seabrook, R , 1 Simsobn, M - 10 Smith. Charles, & Son - 10 Smith, Jesse 1 1 Steel, C 1 1 Stevens, W 1 1 Stowe, H. E - 5 Sullivan, J., & Son 1 1 Sutcliffe, John, & Sons 1 1 iweet, J 1 1 Ttllman, H. E - 10 Veitch, Harry J - 10 Walker.H.G 1 1 Walker, Geo - 5 Watkins A 1 1 Webber, M., & Co 1 1 Williams, J - 6 Wood, Ormevwi & Co 1 1 Wright, J. B 1 1 Total Snbs...f49 13 6 Donations.
George Monro Conceit Committee 3 3 - Hntchesson, F. - 5 - LeMaitre, J - 6 - Mole, K -10 6 Muxworthy, W - I t 6 Morris, W - 10 - Bobbins, R. R 1 - - Sparkes, F. E -10 6 Collecting Box- Mrs. Bock - 13 5 Total Donations 1 IK Total Subscriptions .. 49 13 6 £6» 1 S THE r " FORESTER," "FORESTERS' PRIDE," AND "SAMUEL SHAWCROSS" LIFE-BOATS FUND.
List of Voluntary Contributions received for the Fund from the following DISTRICTS and COCBTS, of the ANCIRNT ORDER OF FORESTERS, from January 1 to December 31,1906, per J. LISTER STEAD, Esq., P.S. (Fi f« also pp. 120, 121 and 135.) DISTRICTS.
£. ». i Aberdeen - 5 Alcester - 10 Cirencester 1 10 Colchester, *c 13 7 Derby, &c 1 1 Exeter 11 12 Glossop Dale 2 2 Greenwich - 15 Keighley Ecoromical 1 1 London United 43 19 Northampton, &c. 2 16 Otago(N.Z) 4 - Shrewsbury 1 1 Sooth & North Shields 3 5 South London 7 4 South Western 6 6 Stalybridge - 10 Warminster United 1 - COURTS.
410 854 1498 1544 1594 1720 1756 1895 • 1902 1917 , - J 6 , - 6 - , - 10 - , 1 - - . 1 - - - 10 - 1 - - - 15 - 1 1 - 2 14 6 £, t. a.
2325 - 10 - 2572 - 10 6 2875 - 5 - 2700 2 2 - 2844 1 - - 2991 - 6 3021 1 4 8 3086 - 6 - 3102 - 6 - 3195 (Vic) - 8 - 3508 - 6 - 3585 1 1 - 3628 2 2 - 3641 - 10 - 3664 - 10 - 3712 - 6 - 3716 1 - - 3742 - 11 3754 1 6 3936 - 10 3975(Natal) 10 10 4022 1 2 4080 .... - 10 4087 : 1 10 4092 - 5 4154 - 10 4219 - 12 4267 - 11 4511 - 5 4611 - 6 4640 1 - 644 1 1 4981 2 - 5016 - 16 6085 (N.Z.) 1 1 5190 - 6 5106 - 12 5171 - 10 5249 - 5 5308 - 1 5323 - 10 5379 - 10 6415 - 11 5431 - 6 6515 - 5 6533 (K.Z ) 1 1 6759 - 10 5802 5831 5836 5882 5949 5956 6104 6118 6277 £. t.
, 1 - . 2 2 . 1 3 . - 5 , 1 9 , - 15 - 5 . - 6 , - 5 6494 (N.Z.) 1 1 6498 - 10 8657 - 7 67;5 - 12 6727 (N.Z.) 1 1 6778 3 11 6873 - 5 6946 - 6 7104 - 10 7166 - 5 7672 - 5 770»(S.A.) 1 1 7754 (India) , 1 13 Sums under 58 2 2 Total £175 - 9 THE "MANCHESTER UNITY" LIFE-BOAT FUND.
Annual Subscription from THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF OLD FBLLOWS (Manchester Unity) FRIENDLY SOCIETY for the year 1806 per THOMAS COLLINS, ESQ.. secretary 50 Donations received by Mr.
Collins from sundry Districts and Lodges. (Vide also General List, p. 126) 5 Total £55 I LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FROM CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES DURING 1906.
Alcester C. I. 12. Is., annual sub.
Aunt-eld Plain I. C. 31., annual sub.
Ashington C. 22. 2s., annual sub.
Bacnp C. 102., annual sub.
Bedlington C. 21. 2*., annual sub.
Birkenhead and District C. 22. 2s.
Birtley D. C. 3!. 3s , don.
Blaina I. P. C. 12 Is., annual tub.
Blaydtn I. P. C. 2!. 2s., annual sub.
Brighteide and Carbrook C. 2/. 2s., Annual sub.
Burnopfield District C. 22.2s.,ann. pub.
Bury District C. frovision. 52., don.
CainecrosB and Ebley C. If. Is., annual sub.
Carlisle Sonth End C. lZ.ls.,tnn.6ub.
Carnlbrth C. II., don.
Cbester-le-Street C. I. 6!., don.
( hipping Norton C. 10s. 6d., annual 8ub.
Clayton-le-Moore I. C. il. 5s., annual tub.
Cleator Moor C. 31. 3s.t annual tub.
Coalville Working Men's C. Society.
21. 2i., don.
Colchester and East Essex C. I. 12. Is., annual snb.
Coir e ai d District C. 42.4s., ann. Fnb.
Compstall C. I. 62. 6s., annual snb.
Co- operative Wholesale Society. 21!., annual sub.
Cornforth and Coxhoe C. 51. 5!., annual sub.
Coventry?. C. 22. 2s., fnnual tub.
Cramlington TistrictC. 2i. 2s., annual tub.
Crewe C., Friendly. 51. Gs., ann. sub.
Crook and Neighbourhood C. 10!., den.
Da'syfield I. Bee's C. ll. Is., annual sub ralion-in-Furnees C. 2!. 2s., ann. sub Darlington C. I. 21. 2s., annual sub.
Darweii I. C. 2!. 2s., annual tub.
Derby C. P. 2J. 2s., annual 6ub.
i urbam C. 5?., annual sub.
Ebbw Vale I. P. ll. is., annual sub.
Ecclesall I. P. ll. Is., don.
Evremort I. C. 22 2s., annual sub Farnworth and Kearsley 1.1'. 51. 5s., annual sub.
Folkestone C. 22. 2s., don.
Gateshead I. C. 102.. aiinnal sub.
Glotsep Dale, New I C. 2(. 2s., annual tub.
Gloucester C. I. 22. 2s.. annual bub.
tioole C. 12. Is., annual sub.
Grays f!. I. P. 22. 2s., annui-l sub.
Great Horton 1. 12. Is., annual sub.
Gieat Grimi-by C. 12. Is., annual sub.
GreatWigetou I.P. 1!. Is., annual sub Grinishaw Park C. 22. 2s., annual sub.
Hartlepools C. 62. 5s., don.
Hebden Bridge I. C. 22. 2s., annual sub.
Heckmondw.ke C. 62. 5s., don.
Hettou Dowrus A I. P. 62. 6s., annual sub.
! Hindley C. I. 11. 2«., innral Pub.
Hucknall Torkard I. P. C. II. Is., annual snb.
Hyde E. C. 22. 2s., annual sub.
' Ilkeston C. 10s., annual sub.
Ipswich I. C. P. 22. 2s., annual snb.
Jarrow and Hebbnrn C. 21. 2s., annual sub.
Kendal E. I. C. 52.. annual sub.
lettering I. C. ll. Is., don.
Langley Mill and Aldercar C. 22. 2s., annual sub.
Leeds J. C. 252., annual sub.
Leicester C. Boot and Shoe. 12. Is., annual sub.
Leigh F. C. 32. 3s., annual sub.
Longridge I. C 12. Is., annual sub.
l.oftus C 12., don.
Luton I. C. 12. Is., don.
i Jlaccle-field E. P. C. 21. 2s.,ann. bnb.
Masbro' Equitable Pioneers 52. 6s., annual sub.
Middlesbrough C. 22. 2s., don.
Middleton and Tonge I. C. 12. Is., annual sub.
Mossley I. C. 32. 3s. annual sub.
Murton Colliery C. 22. 2s., don.
Nelson C. I. 22 2s , annual sub.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne C. 252., don.
Norwich C. 22. 2s , annual sub.
Nuneaton I. P. C. 12. Is., annual sub Peterbo'ough E. 1 C. 22 2s.,aun.sub.
Plymouth M. C. & I. 62. 5s., don.
Kamsbottc m I. P. C. 2!. 2s , ann. sub.
. C. 21. "is., annual sub.
Uipley C. 21. 2s, annual Bub.
River and District C. Jj. 2»., don.
Rochester and District C. I. II. Is., atjunal sab.
Royal Arsenal C. 51., don.
Royton I. C 21. 2s., don.
liugby I. and P. tl. don.
Rusndeu I. C. II. Is., don.
RyhopeandSilksworthl. P. C. 2!. 2s., annual sub.
Sandbach i. C. 21. 2s., annual sub.
Seaham Harbour I. and C. II. Is., don.
Seaton Delaval D. I. and P. 31. 10s., annual sub.
Sheeniess Economical I. P. C. II. Is., annual Bub.
Sittlngbourne C. 5!. Ss., annual sub.
Strut-turd C. 1. 11. Is., don Snnderland E. I. C. 6J. 5s., annual sub.
Teesdate W. I. and P. 21. 2s., don.
Todmorden i. and C. II. Is., don.
Tow-Law I. P. il. It., don.
Trowbridge C. I. P. IE. It, don.
Tweedaide I. C. 21., annual sub.
Twerton C. 1(. It., don.
Tyne Dock 1. C. 21. 2s., annual sub.
Walker C. 21. 2s., annual sub.
Wallsend I. «. 6(.,don.
Warrtnston E. I. C. 11. Is., ann. sub.
West Pelton C. I. P. 3!. 3s., ann. sub.
West Stanley C. 101.10s., don.
West Wylam aud Prudhoe C. 2!. 2s., don.
Whitby C. 21. 2s., don.
Willington C. and I. 21. 2i., don.
Wltidy Nook I. P. C. If. Is., ann. sub.
Wlnnington C. II. Is., annual sub.
Worcester New C. and I. 1!. Is., annual sub.
Workingto-i Beehive C. l!. Is., don.
Alloa C. 5L, annual sub.
Barrhead C. 5/.., annual sub.
Blantyre C. 21., don.
Broxburn C. 'il. 2t., don.
Burnbank C. L, annual sub.
CamelonC. ll. is., don.
Cowdenheath C. L ts., annual sub.
Cowlalrs 0. 6 J., annual sub.
Dalriel C. 48., don.
Dumfries and Max*elltown C. l. It., annual enb.
Greenock Central C. 21. 2t., ann. sub.
Hamilton Central C. L, annual sub.
Hamilton C. Baking. II., annual sob.
Hawick G. 22. 2s., annual sub.
Johnstone C. IL, don.
Kilmamock E. C. 31., annual sub.
Kiikintilloch E. C. It. Is., auiiual sub.
Leven Reform C. 2!., don.
Lochgelly E. C. 4J., annuil snb.
Mussel burgh and Fisherrow G. 51., annual sub.
Pathhead and Sinclairtown Reform C.
) I. is., don.
Penicuik C. A. 21. 10s., annual sub.
Perth (City of) C. 10J., aunu 1 tub.
Perth C. Coal. II., annual sub.
Redding C. 21., don.
Selkirk C. H., don.
Shettleston C. ll. Is., don.
Tranent C. 21. 2s., annual sub.
Uddingston C. 10s., don Vale of Leven C. 21. 2s., annual sub.
West CaWer C. ll. Is. don.
Amounts were also sent by other Co-operative Societies direct to Local Branches of the Institution.