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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1906

Jan. 11.—Voted the Silver Medal to Mr.

WILLIAM PENROSE, and the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to his brothers Messrs. THOMAS and HENRY PENROSE for their very gallant but unsuccessful attempt to save the crew of the brigantine Mary, of Milford, wrecked at the mouth oi the Fowey Harbour, during a S.E. gale, on Sunday, the 31st December.

Jan. 11.—A man put off in a punt and at moderate risk to himself rescued two men whose boat had capsized in a squall in Kingstown Harbour on the 8th December.— Reward, 10s.

Jan. 18.—Thirteen men put off in a boat, and at considerable risk rescued five men from a water-logged boat near the Goodwin Sands, in a strong S.S.W. gale and heavy sea.

The men when rescued were in a very exhausted condition, their vessel, the dandy Fleur de Mer, of Boulogne, having foundered on the Goodwin Sands.—Reward, 13L Feb. 8.—The crew of the private Lifeboat at Sheringham rescued the crew oi four hands of the barge Teutonic, in distress off that place on the 6th January.— Reward, 12J.

Feb. 8.—Six men saved, by means of ropes, the crew of two men of the fishing-boat Monica, wrecked under the Orme's Head, in a strong northerly gale and heavy sea, on the 18th January.—Reward, 11. 4s.

Feb. 16.—Eight men put off in a boat and rescued sixteen of the crew of the s.s. Abril, of Bilbao, which stranded 2J miles west of Clovelly.—Reward, 21.

Feb. 25.—Two pilots rescued the crew of four hands of the trawler Ibis, of Brixham, wrecked on the rocks at Thurlestone during the early morning in a moderate S.W. gale and rough sea.—Reward, 10s.

March 8.—Voted the Silver Medal and the sum of 21. to Mr. FRANCIS NICOL, " Rattie," Mr. FRANCIS NICOL, "Frankie," Mr. JAMES NICOL, and Mr. ALEXANDER WATT for gallantly putting off in an old, disused salmon coble, and gallantly rescuing, at very great risk to themselves, the crew of six hands of the s.s. Vigilant, of Newcastle, which was totally wrecked at Crovie on the llth February during a strong N.E. gale. Also awarded 21. to Mr. J. LOVIE and "il. to Police-Constable P. CLARK for their valuable assistance on the above occasion.

March 8.—Also voted the Silver Medal and the sum of 21. each to Mr. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Mr. WILLIAM GROAT, Mr. EDWARD JAMIESON, Mr. BREMNER TAYLOR, Mr. WILLIAM CHUYBE, and Mr. DANIEL FIDDLER for very gallantly putting off in a boat from Harkness during a heavy W. by S. gale and snowstorm, and rescuing nine of the crew of eleven hands of the s.s. Dinnington, of Sunderland, wrecked on the Island of Switha on the 17th February.

March 8.—Two men saved the life of a fellow-fisherman, who, by a sudden lurch of his boat, was thrown overboard off Boscombe, in a strong S.W. wind and rough sea on the 4th January.—Reward, U. 10s.

March 8.—Four men saved, with some risk to themselves, two men whose boat was stove ! near Ilfracombe in a heavy sea and N. wind, ( on the 28th January.—Reward, 21.

i April 12.—Eight men put off in two cobles ! and rescued two pilots'and the crew of four ! hands of the ketch Maid of Kent, in distress ! about three miles south of Bridlington, in a I heavy northerly gale and heavy sea, on the ! 12th March.—Reward, SI.

April 24.—Three men saved the crew of two hands of the trawler Shamrock, of Beer, which capsized in a sudden squall from N.W.

and rough sea, about three miles off Sidmouth.

The salvors saw the accident and launched a boat, and had it not been for their promptness life would have been lost.—Reward, 15s.

April 27.—Two men put off in a boat and, at moderate risk, rescued two persons whose small boat had capsized on Teignmouth Bar, in a moderate breeze.—Reward, 11.

May 10.—Two men saved, at slight risk to themselves, one of the crew of the schooner Julia, of Gloucester, wrecked in a strong breeze and heavy ground sea, off Sandy Haven, Pembrokeshire, on the llth March.

—Reward, 10s.

May 23.—Four men rescued the crew of three hands of the smack Bagatelle, of Liverpool, in a moderate S.E. gale and a rough sea oft Douglas.—Reward, 21.

June 3.—A man put off in a small boat, in a moderate S.W. breeze and a moderate sea, and at a slight risk, rescued two persons whose boat had been capsized off Sidmouth.

—Reward, 5s.

June 4.—Six men put off in a coble and rescued two men whose coble was capsized in a heavy ground sea off Staithes. One of the rescued men was Mr. CHARLES HORNE, the Coxswain Superintendent of the Staithes Life-boat, and it was entirely owing to his great pluck and endurance that his companion who was unable to swim was saved.

Both men had heavy sea-boots on, and on two occasions were washed from the spar to which they were clinging. Each time Home got hold of his companion and supported him until help reached them. Home was granted the sum of 31. for his gallantry.— Reward, 11. 10s.

June 14.—Voted the Silver Medal and 21.

to Mr. THOMAS LANGLANDS, the Coxswain Superintendent of the Whitby Life-boats, for •very gallantly putting off in a coble on the 14th May, and at great risk rescuing three men belonging to the coble William and Tom, of Whitby. When crossing the bar the coble encountered heavy seas, and before help could reach her she filled and sank. Langlands at once pulled out in his coble and rescued the men, who were in the water. The risk was very great, and it was due to Langlands' skilful management and gallant conduct that the men were saved.

Two other men who assisted at the rescue were also granted 22. each.

June 14.—Four men put off in a boat and at great risk rescued a man from a boat which missed the entrance to Penzance Harbour and got into broken water in a strong S.W. breeze and rough sea, on the 5th May.

—Reward, 42.

June 14.—Four men promptly rescued four coastguards when their boat capsized in a squall off Angle, on the 18th April.—Reward, I I .

June 14.—Six men put off in a boat and, at considerable risk, assisted to save the fishing-boat Itfarjorie and her crew of two hands, which had stranded off St. Anne's in a rough sea and strong S. breeze, on the 5th May.—Reward, 41.10s.

June 23.—Two men rescued the crew of four hands of the Ostend smack Rosaline- Fidoline, which sank after collision in smooth but foggy weather near the East Barnard Buoy.—Reward, 15s.

July 12.—Three men rescued at moderate risk to themselves two persons whose boat was capsized whilst crossing Teignmouth Bar on the 12th June.—Reward, U. 2s. 6d.

July 12.—Seven men of the dredger Pioneer rescued one of the two men belonging to the shrimp boat John and Sarah, which foundered in a strong W.N.W. breeze and rough sea oft Lowestoft, on the 1st June.—Reward, 41. 5s.

July 12.—Two men promptly put off in boats and saved the lives of five persons from a boat which capsized in moderate weather on the 4th June off Ilfracombe.— Reward, 12s. 6d.

July 12.—Three men saved, at considerable risk to themselves, two men, whose coble, the Rising Sun, of Filey, was struck by a heavy sea and capsized two miles to the south of Filey, on the 5th June.—Reward, SI.

July 17.—.Six men saved three men who had put off in a small boat to fish in Montrose Bay.—Reward, 61.

July 20.—Eight men put ofi in a boat and rescued two women and a man, whose boat had capsized off Deal in moderately rough weather. They also landed a girl who was unconscious w'hen picked up, but she died shortly after being landed.—Reward, 31.

Aug. 2.—Two men promptly put off in a boat and saved the crew of three hands of the coble Maggie, of Whitby, which capsized in a squall off Kettleness on the 7th May.— Reward, 15s.

Aug. 2.—Two men put off in a boat and saved two girls whose boat had become unmanageable and was being driven out to sea, off Ardmore, in moderately rough weather, on the 8th July.—Reward, 11. 2s. 6d.

Aug. 19.—A man rescued, at slight risk, three youths, whose boat capsized in smooth weather at Brighton.—TSayjajA, 10s.

Aug. 20.—Twelve men put off in the Frinton volunteer Life-boat in moderate weather and saved the crew of nine hands of the barquentine Lanoy, of Dover, stranded on the Gunfleet Sands.—Reward, 61.

Aug. 27.—Three men saved two persons from the shrimp-boat Blue Belk, of Lowestoft, which, when returning to harbour, fouled a barge, capsized and foundered, and left the two men struggling in the water.—Reward, 15s.

Aug. 30.—Nine men put off from Lowestoit at 10.30 P.M., and at slight risk rescued two persons from a small boat which was being carried out to sea by the strong tide, the oars having been lost overboard.—Reward, 21. 5s.

Sept. 13.—Sent letters of thanks to Mr.

TOWERS SMITH and to Mr. LEYSHON, and the sum of 12. 10s. to a fisherman and his son, for rescuing two of four men whose boat capsized in Towy estuary, near Laugharne, in a strong westerly breeze and moderate sea, on the 10th August. The other two men -were unfortunately drowned before help coul,d reach them.

Sept. 13.—Three men rescued one of two men from a small boat which capsized about half a mile from the shore at Frinton, in moderate weather, on the 29th July.—Reward, 15s.

Sept. 13.—A man rescued another man from a small boat which capsized in a squall in moderately rough weather, about one and a half miles from Durrwich, on the 20th July. —Reward, 7s. 6(2.

Sept. 13.—Seven men saved two persons from the smack John Allan, which. was in distress about a mile and a quarter south of Johnshaven, in a light S.E. breeze but heavy swell, on the 2nd August.—Reward, 21. 12s. 6d.

Sept. 14. — Mr. M. HANNAGAN, Coxswain Superintendent of the Youghal Life-boat, and three other men saved one of two men whose boat was capsized outside Youghal Harbour in a sudden squall.

The salvors observed the accident, and at once made for the scene, but while getting one man into their boat, the other unfortunately disappeared. The man saved was unconscious when picked up, and it was entirely due to the intelligent manner in which Hannagan used the prescribed methods for the restoration of the apparently drowned that he was resuscitated.—Reward, 12. to Hannagan, and 15s. to the other men.

Oct. 11.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and 22. to Mr. JOHN HAWKINS for his conspicuous bravery in lowering himself by a rope from the East Pier at Ramsgate and swimming out to the assistance of five persons whose boat had capsized off the Harbour entrance on the 14th September.

There was a strong W.S.W. wind and a rough sea at the time, and none of the party with the exception of the boatman could swim.

Two clung to the upturned boat, and Hawkins ' secured a third, a lady, and swam with her .

into shallow water; eventually all five were saved. Five shillings each was awarded to two pier watchmen who put of! in a boat and picked them up.

Oct. 19.—Four men saved three persons from the fishing-boat Alma, which filled and sank in a north-east gale when making for Stromness Harbour.—Reward, 42.

Oct. 28.—Three men saved, at moderate risk to themselves, two men from a small fishing-boat, which was being blown out to sea in a moderate off-shore gale and heavy sea, near the North Foreland.—Reward, 12. 10s.

Nov. 8.—Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and II. to Mr. WILLIAM COLE, Coxswain Superintendent of the Dover Life-boat, in recognition of a gallant attempt to save the life of a comrade when their fishing-boat sunk off Dover in a strong S.W. wind and rough sea on the 12th October. Also voted 62. to five men who put off in a boat and succeeded in saving Cole.

Nov. 8.—Nine men in the Margate private Life-boat saved two persons from the barge Prima Donna, wrecked on Whitaker Spit on 12th Oct.—Reward, 92.

Nov. 8.—Voted the thanks of the Institution and 52. to Captain ALBERT VROLYK, of the Tug Lowestoft, for gallantly taking his tug across the Newcome Sands and saving the lives of two pilots, whose boat was capsized in rough weather on the 14th Oct.

Also 12. each to the tug's crew of six hands.

Nov. 10.—Four men saved four persons from the sloop "Primus, of Bergen, which stranded near Brighstone Grange in a leaking condition, in a strong N.B. breeze and moderate sea.—Reward, 22.

Nov. 11.—Four men saved, at considerable risk to themselves, nine persons from the steam fishing-boat Petunia, of Grimsby, stranded about eight miles south of Withernsea, in a rough sea. The salvors' boat was damaged, and 21. was allowed to cover the cost of the repairs.—Eeward, 82.

Nov. 16.—Three men put off in a small, boat in the morning and saved four men who had gone off the previous day to the flat Flatfish off Ehos pier, and in the prevailing gale had lost their punt and were unable to regain safety.—Reward, 15s.

Nov. 22.—Three men saved, at moderate risk, a man who was being blown out to sea, off Deal, in half a W.S.W. gale and rough sea about 1 a.m.—Reward, 12. 2s. 6d.

Nov. 24.—Two men saved two persons, who were overtaken by stormy weather after having proceeded from Maryport to the wreck of the s.s. Grayfield, on Robin Rigg Bank.—Reward, 12. 10s.

Dec. 13.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and the sum of 22. each to Messrs. P. S. DOHERTY, P. 0. DOHERTY, M. O. DOHERTY, J. S. DOHERTY, J. DOHERTY, JOHN HOUTON, T. MCLAUGHLIN, H. M. GOLGAN, and J. M. MCKEENY for gallantly putting off in a boat, and at great personal risk rescuing two of the crew of six hands of the fishing-boat Terrible, of Portasantally, which foundered off Glengad Head, in a whole N.E. gale and very heavy sea, on the 7th November.

A similar vote and 22. was also presented to Mr. WILLIAM FARREN, one of the endangered men, for gallantly supporting one of his comrades on the above occasion, and thereby saving his life. The sum of 7s. 6d. was also awarded to the man who saw the accident and reported it.

Dec. 13.—Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and the sum of II. each, to Messrs. G. and E. LEY for gallantly saving two persons from the herringboat Lilly, which foundered off Ilfracombe in a moderate N.W. gale and heavy sea, on the 4th December. The salvors were in a similar-sized boat to the Lilly, and incurred great risk in effecting the rescue.

Dec. 13.—Ordered a letter of thanks to be sent to the Honorary Secretary of the Hayling Island Branch, and 12. 17s. 6d. to six men, for their services in rescuing four persons, whose boat had stranded on the Woolsener Sands, on the 2nd December.

Dec. 13.—Nine men promptly rescued two men whose boat, the Sea Swallow, was run down and sunk by a steamer in a dense fog about 9 p.m. on the 5th November, off Dublin. —Reward, 12. 2s. 6d.

Dec. 13.—A man rescued a boy whose boat was being driven out to sea off Portrush, in a strong ebb tide, on the 2nd September.— Reward, 5s.

Dec. 13.—Four men saved four persons from the Ketch Bull, of London, which stranded on the Knock Sands, near South end on- Sea, and became a total wreck on the 16th November.—Reward, 11.10s.