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A large full- rigged ship went ashore off Cadgwith oil the evening of the 1st August in a fresh southerly breeze and moderate sea, the Life-boat Minnie Moon was launched with all despatch and pro- ceeded alongside her. Seven of the crew were taken into the boat, and at the request of the captain one of the ship's boats, containing some of the I crew's belongings, was towed ashore.

I The Life-boat at once returned to the I vessel, and as the wind was freshening and the sea increasing, twelve more of the crew were taken into safety. The captain and five of the crew however still remained on board, and the Life- boat put off a third time. Those on board were disinclined to leave their ship, and the Life-boat remained in the close vicinity for upwards of an hour.

About 3 A.M. however the seas were making a clean breach over the ship, and the five men wanted to leave her but the captain was still averse to it, but at length when he realised that his ship was full and the poop knee deep in water he consented and all were safely rescued, the vessel becoming a total wreck.

It appeared that the ship, the Socoa, of Bayonne, left Cherbourg the day before and was bound for San Francisco with a cargo of cement.

The hon. secretary of the branch, the Rev. Henry Vyvyan, went off to the /Socoa when the Life-boat was launched, and remained with the endangered men until all were rescued. He was cor- dially thanked by the Committee of Management for his active co-operation..