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St Pierre

At 2.10 P.M. on the 22nd February, when a whole S.S.E. gale was raging, a schooner, the St. Pierre of Nantes, was observed in distress. With praiseworthy rapidity the Life-boat Ryder was launched off the beach through a very heavy surf.

In heavy sleet-showers and against both wind and sea, the boat was pulled towards the schooner, which by this time was in broken water amongst the rocks, and in such a dangerous position that it was not possible to get to leeward of her. The Coxswain however managed his boat in a masterly manner.

Anchoring where safe, he veered down as near as possible to the wreck; he then threw a line on board, and by means of a lifebuoy attached hauled the crew of six, one by one, through the broken water into the Life-boat. The work of rescue was completed in a little over an hour, and the onlookers were loud in their praise of the manner in which the service was carried out..