Life-Boat Saturday Fund
ALTHOUGH the early part of the past summer was not quite as favourable as could have been wished for demonstrations held on behalf of the Life-boat | Saturday Fund, for the success of which so much depends on tine but not too warm weather, yet, notwithstanding, the workers, speaking generally, have had every reason to be satisfied ! with the results obtained by their selfdenying and generous efforts. Enthusiasm goes a long way in overcoming difficulty, and there has certainly been j no lack of this most necessary and excellent commodity. On the principle of " Ladies first," we have more especially to commend and mark the capital work done by the Ladies' Auxiliaries throughout the country. It is our experience that lady collectors, whether they be connected with the ordinary branches of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION or the Life-boat Saturday Auxiliary, are uniformly the most successful applicants in securing financial support. They are less ready to take a refusal than the " sterner" sex, and, this being so, they less frequently get a refusal when asking for help, for experientia docet, and if a man knows he will ultimately have to say " Yes," he also knows it will save time to accede at once rather than discuss the matter. The end will be the same in either case. But, although we feel bound to praise in so unstinting a manner the work of the lady collectors, it must be understood that the labours of the other classes of committees and collectors are not in any degree undervalued. It must be borne in mind that the ladies, for the most part, have more time at their disposal for charitable work than those who are engaged in business from "morn till e'en," and that therefore there is more self-sacrifice about the work of the other workers. Comparisons are, however, to be avoided, and the excellent spirit which animates all is to be admired and valued. Their help to the LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION was never more needed or appreciated than at the present time by the Committee of Management, who have always done their utmost to assist and encourage them..