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The S.S. Longnewton

The s.s. Long- newton, of Sunderland, when bound for London on the 19th January, struck the rocks outside Seaham Har- bour. She proceeded about a mile to sea, when she was seen to put back and hoist a signal for "immediate assistance." The Harbour tug was sent out, but returned and reported that the steamer was sinking; the Life-boat Slnjnner was then promptly launched and proceeded under sails and oars, but in the prevailing northerly gale failed to reach the distressed vessel.

The tug therefore took her in tow, and she proceeded alongside the steamer, which was aground on the rocks full of water the sea breaking over her.

The crew of twenty were safely trans- ferred to the Life-boat, which then returned to harbour. The Honorary Secretary, Captain J. Smith, went out in the tug, and the District Inspector, Commander Thomas Holmes, R.N., was in the Life-boat, and both were thanked by the Committee for their co-operation..