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The S.S. Harriet

At 8 P.M. on the 5th January, a steamer was seen aground on the Barber Sands, and the crew of the No. 1 Life-boat Covent Garden were mustered and the boat launched. She proceeded to the sands and there found the s.s. Harriet of Middlesbrough ashore. The weather was moderate, although it looked threatening. The Life-boat went alongside, and the Captain informed the Coxswain that he intended to try and float his vessel with the flowing tide, but this he failed to do and the wind having increased to a moderate gale with a heavy sea, he engaged the Life-boatmen to get the steamer off. With the assistance of tugs the vessel was extricated from her dangerous position about 5.30 A.M., and towed into Yarmouth Roads, the wind by then having increased to a strong gale..