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The French Ketch Notre Dame De France

At 11.19 A.M., on the 10th February, the Coastguard reported that a vessel was showing signals of distress off Oxwich Point, and that a steamer was endeavour- ing to assist her, but that there was too much sea. The Coxswain having pro- cured a tug proceeded in the Life-boat, Charlie Medland, to the place indicated, where he found the French ketch, Notre Dame de France, with the sea making a clean breach over her. She had a con- siderable quantity of water in her, her canvas had been all blown away, and the crew five in number were ex- hausted. The Master, however, was not willing to leave his craft, and asked the Life-boatmen to try and save her.

After repeated attempts, occupying more than three quarters of an hour, four men were successfully placed on board. Efforts were then made to weigh the vessel's anchors, but failed, and they were slipped. The ketch was then taken in tow by a tug and with the Life-boat in attendance towed to Swansea..