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New Life-Boats

MABLETHORPE (LINCOLNSHIRE).—In a former number of the Life-boat Journal (217), it was mentioned that the boat at this station had been replaced by a new one of the Liverpool type, 36 ft.

long by 9 ft. wide, and that she was named the John Bowson Lingard, her cost having been defrayed from the bequest to the Institution of tne late Mrs. MAKY CATHERINE LINGARD, of St.


On the 12th October last the charming seaside town of Mablethorpe was en fete to witness the ceremony of naming the new Life-boat. Flags and beautiful decorations wer« everywhere to be seen.

The boat having been paraded round the town was brought to the awning oa the promenade where the zealous honorary secretary at Mablethorpe, Dr. IEBDALE, presided at the ceremony.

Commander THOMAS HOLMES, R.N., District Inspector of Life-boats, gratefully accepted the boat on behalf of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and handed her over to the Lincolnshire Coast Shipwrcek Association.

Mr. B. C. GARFIT, as one of the honorary secretaries of that Association, received the new boat and then formally entrusted her to the care of the local committee. In doing so he said he well knew that under their guidance and with the gallant crew he saw before him to man her, the John Roman Ungard would be the means of saving many valuable lives.

Mr. STEAWSON accepted the boat in the name of the Local Committee.

Prayer for the success of the Lifeboat having been offered by the Rev.

D. R. WHITELAW, and the hymn, " Eternal Father, strong to save," sung by the school-children, the Baroness Vow ECKARDSTEIN named the boat, which was taken to the beach and launched under the charge of the District Inspector. The Coxswain Superintendent, Mr. CHARLES GRAY, expressed his great satisfaction and that of his crew with their new boat.

In the evening the Life-boat crew and the launchers were entertained at dinner by the Local Committee at the Book-in- Hand Hotel.



—The Life-boats placed by the Institution on these stations have recently been replaced by new boats of the most modern types. Cloughey and Skegness are of the Liverpool type, Newcastle and Ballantrae self-righting boats and the Longhope boat is of the Watson type. The CJoughey boat is named the John and that sent to Newcastle the Marianne, the cost of both having been defrayed from the legacy bequeathed to the Institution by the late Mr. JOHN ALEXANDER HAY, of Cheltenham. The Ballantrae Lifeboat is, like her predecessor, named the William and Harriott. The boat for Longhope is named the Anne Miles, in accordance with the wishes of Miss MILES, of West Hampstead, London, who has given the Institution a generous contribution for this purpose. The Skegness Life-boat is named the Samuel Lewis, her cost having been provided by the generosity of Mrs. ADA LEWIS-HILL, of Grosvenor Square, London, in memory of her late husband. The arrival of the new boat at Skegueaswas celebrated by a public supper to the Life-boat men arranged for by Mrs. LEWis-HiLL. The supper was also attended by Admiral Claude R. Buckle, the honorary secretary of the Lincolnshire Coast Shipwreck Association, Mr. C. F. Grantham, honorary secretary of the Skegness Branch, the Rev. W. Disney, rector of Skegness, Dr. Bernard, Commander Thomas Holmes, R.N., District Inspector of Life-boats, and others..