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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE summer months are practically the high season of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, and throughout the country, north, south, east and west, the various Local and District Committees, including the Ladies' Auxiliaries—without whose important aid no undertaking is completely equipped—are working hard to press the great object of their existence, namely, to promote the securing of increased recognition and financial support for the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION.

There is no doubt that a year's experience of the re-organization of tha Fund in certain directions has fully justified the changes made and it is believed that they will be productive of excellent results before the year closes.

On all sides we hear—and the Board of Trade tables would seem to confirm the rumour—that the trade of the country is improving. Should uhis be the case, we must welcome the silver lining to the clouds which have for so ] long enveloped us and begin to hope that such a long-looked-f or state of affairs j may continue and be the happy means, as should certainly ensue, of better results as a reward for the untiring exertions of the Saturday workers.

The inhabitants of our large inland cities and towns seem hardly to realize sufficiently their obligations to onr Lifeboatmen.

The efforts of the Life-boat Saturday Committees have therefore been more especially centred in the direction of urging and cultivating amongst these a better and fuller appreciation of the noble and self-sacrificing work. We hare heard it foolish!y stated from time to time that it is not required of those not resident on the sea coast to contribute to the LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, inasmuch as, for so it is alleged by such uninformed persons, the cost of Life-boat work shouid fall on the coast population who furnish the crews for the Life-boats. Could any suggestions be more ignorant or selfish ? In this, as in most, matters in this country, the interests of one are the interests of all, and where, it should be asked, would the inland population be, and what would their dire necessities be, were it not for our ships and our sailors, who are indirectly the breadwinners for all ? It is to protect these, therefore, that the LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION exists, and this is why its claims should meet with a liberal and prompt response from all classes of the community..