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Whilst the crew of the Life-boat J. C. Madge were assembling for an exercise launch on the 6th January, several vessels were seen running for shelter, as a strong westerly gale with heavy squalls was blowing. One of them, which proved to be the barge GotJiie, of London, brought up about 10.45 A.M. and hoisted signals for assistance, having lost her headsails and bowsprit. The Life-boat was promptly launched, and on reaching the barge assisted the crew to lay a second anchor. She was then left to weather the storm, and her crew of three hands were conveyed ashore.

Next day the weather moderated, and the crew of the barge were replaced on board by the Life-boat, which then accompanied them in the direction of Yarmouth. When off Mundesley a tug was engaged, and at about 5 P.M. Yar- mouth was reached. The Life-boat left again at 8 P.M., regaining her station at 2.45 next morning..