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Fairy Queen

The fishing-skiff, Fairy Queen, of Campbel- town, was caught in a heavy N.E. gale on the evening of the 7th February, and was not able to make the harbour.

During the whole of the next day the gale increased, and the skiff sought shelter off Kildalloig. After daylight failed watchmen were placed to see that disaster did not overtake those on board. At 2 A.M. on the 9th idem the watchers reported that the vessel was in a dangerous position, and making very bad weather, in addition to which there was no abatement in the storm, it being bitterly cold with heavy snow squalls. The Life-boat, James Stevens No. 2, was accordingly launched and succeeded in bringing both the vessel and her crew of six hands safely ashore.

It was known when the Life-boat was launched that the fishermen must be running short of provisions, because as a rule they only go out from day to day, and it subsequently transpired that they had eaten the last food on board at 4 P.M. on the previous afternoon, and when rescued all were much exhausted from exposure, one man being very ill..