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Ellie Park

— The schooner Ellie Park of Barrow, bound from the Dee to Red Bay in the north of Ireland encountered very heavy weather and when trying to make port had her sails blown away in a heavy squall.

The anchor was run out, but the S.W.

gale increased until it was necessary for the anchor and cable to be slipped.

The schooner was then blown across to the Kintyre coast in a helpless condition, the sea constantly breaking over her and she was driven ashore in the neighbourhood of Macrinnan's Point on the evening of the 24th January.

Information reached the Life-boat authorities at 7.50 P.M., and the assembly signal was at once fired. The crew were quickly on the spot and the Life- boat James Stevens No. 2 was launched and on her way to the schooner in a very short time. A steamer—the Louise— followed the Life-boat to the scene of the wreck. When the Life-boat reached the schooner she was hard on the rocks, and the crew were on the point of leaving her in their own boat. The Captain requested the Coxswain to stand by him and if possible save the vessel. The schooner's crew were com- pletely exhausted and could render no assistance, but as the wind had changed to N.W. and the tide was flowing, the Life-boatmen, with the help of the vessel's remaining anchor, were able to float her. The steamer was then engaged to tow her into harbour and two ropes having been passed by the Life-boat, Campbeltown was reached about 10 P.M..