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— About 7 P.M. on the evening of the llth January a signal of distress was seen from a vessel at anchor in Caldy Road.

There was a moderate to strong south westerly gale at the time accompanied by a heavy ground sea and the Life-boat William arid Mary Devey was promptly launched. Whilst beating out to the vessel another flare was seen from a vessel further to the westward. The Life-boat proceeded to her and took off her crew of four men, and then made for the other vessel, and her crew were also taken into the Life-boat, which conveyed them safely ashore. In the meantime the weather had become very bad, the gale increasing considerably in strength, and eventually the first vessel assisted—the ketch Eily of Gloucester, with a cargo of scrap iron—became a total wreck. The other vessel, which was the ketch Excellent of Wexford, weathered the storm and was able to proceed on her voyage to Burry Port where she was bound with a cargo of pit-props..