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Special Trust Funds Income Account, 1905


Blake Life-boat Maintenance Fund 36 16 6 Dunnett Widows and Orphans Fund 126 4 6 Reardon Samaritan Fund 133 10 6 Paterson Widows and Orphans Fund 141 2 6 Hosken Maintenance Fund 25 - - Marter Memorial Fund 22 8 4 Clark Maintenance Fund 12- Morgan ditto 166 14 5 Kay Widows and Orphans Fund 29 1 - 681 19 9 ,, TRANSFER TO INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT (see p. 610) 171 11 1 ,, „ ,, TRUST FUNDS CAPITAL ACCOUNT No. 1 (see p. 613):— Blake Life-boat Reward Fund 115 17 - Tobiu Life-boat Fund 14 3 9 130 - 9 £983 11 7 TRUST FUNDS CAPITAL ACCOUNT, No. 1, The Capital to be applied for the purposes of the Institution, To TRANSFERS TO INCOME AND EXPENDITURE, for amounts expended on special objects (see p. 610) 11,605 16 3 ,, TRANSFER TO TRUST FUND CAPITAL ACCOUNT No. 2 (seep. 613) . . . . 4,178 14 1 ,, BALANCE as per BALANCE SHEET (see p. 614) 57,911 11 3 £73,696 1 7 TRUST FUNDS CAPITAL ACCOUNT, No. 2, The Income only on which is to be applied for To BALANCE as per BALANCE SHEET (see p. 614) 144,408 4 6 £144,408 4 6 GENERAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT, To TRANSFER to TRUST FUNDS CAPITAL ACCOUNT No. 2 (see p. 613) . . . . 500 - - „ BALANCE as per BALANCE SHEET (seep. 614) 543,049 15 4 £543,549 15 4 INCOME ACCOUNT, 1905.

£. s. d.

BY BALANCE AT 31sx DECEMBER, 1904 ,, DIVIDENDS RECEIVED DURING THE YEAR 1905:— Blake Life-boat Maintenance Fund . £1,473 2J per cent.

Consols . . . . 36 16 6 Blake Life-boat Reward Fund . . £4,634 2J per cent.

Consols . . . . 115 17 - Dunnett Widows and Orphans Fund 126 4 6 Eeardou Samaritan Fund . . . £5,341 4s. 9d. 2i per cent. Consols . . 133 10 6 Paterson Widows and Orphans Fund, £5,645 2J per cent.

Consols . . . . 141 2 6 Hosken Maintenance Fund . . . £1,000 2J per cent.

Consols . . . . 25 - - Captain William Ingram and Agnes Marter Memorial Fund . . . £896 17s. 2d. 2J per cent. Consols . . 22 8 4 Mrs. Selina Laura Clark's Maintenance Fund £44 5s. 2J per cent.

Consols . . . .

£. s. d.

171 11 1 Morgan Maintenance Fund .

Kay Widows and Orphans Fund Tobin Life-boat Fund . . .

1 2 - £6,062 12s. lid. 2J per cent. Annuities . 166 14 5 £1,162 2J per cent. Consols 29 1 - £567 11s. 2J per cent.

Consols . . . . 14 3 9 812 - 6 £983 11 7 31st December, 1905.

in accordance with the directions of the respective Donors.

BY BALANCE AT 31sT DECEMBER, 1904 54,808 5 - „ TRANSFER FROM SPECIAL TRUST FUNDS INCOME ACCOUNT (see p. 612) . . 130 - 9 ,, TRANSFER FROM INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT (seep. 611;, viz.:— Special Gifts 3,952 3 9 Legacies 14,805 12 1 18,757 15 10 £73,696 1 7 31st December, 1905.

the general purposes of the Institution.

BY BALANCE AT S!ST DECEMBER, 1904 136,479 10 5 ,, TRANSFER FROM TRUST FUNDS CAPITAL ACCOUNT No. 1 4,178 14 1 „ TRANSFER FROM GENERAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT 500 - - „ TRANSFER FROM INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT (see p. 610), viz.:— Legacies 3,250 - - £144,408 4 6 31st December, 1905.

BY BALANCE AT 31sT DECEMBER, 1904 525,071 1 - „ BALANCE FROM INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT (see p. 610) . . . 18,478 14 4 £543,549 15 4.