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Life-Boat Services In 1905

Lives I saved.

Li 23 10 Adalina, fishing vessel, of Gravelines—stood by vessel.

Advance, ketch, of Bideford Amelia Ann, ketch, of Goo]e— rendered assistance.

A my, barge, of Bideford— landed 3.

Annetta, sch., of Dungarvan ..

Arauvania, s.s., of Glasgow ....

Beaufort, dredger, of Londonassisted to save vessel and ...

Berthe, schooner, of Dunkerque —stood by vessel.

Bessie, cutter, of "Whitstable, saved vessel.

Bencroy, s.s., of Liverpool, stood by vessel.

Boat, of Skegness—saved Brazilian, barquentine, of South Shields—saved vessel and Britannia, barquentine, of Guernsey — assisted to save vessel.

Bushmills, s.s., of Dublin — assisted to save vessel.

Caister No. 1 Life-boat—stood by boat.

Cannebiere, barque, of Marseilles C.E.C.G., ketch, of Jersey — stood by vessel.

Celerity, brig, of Lowestoft Cicerone, schooner, of Falmouth landed 5.

Clara, s.s., of London—stood by vessel.

Clio, brigantine, of Ardrossan— assisted to save vessel.

Clupeidae, fishing boat, of Lowestof t—rendered assistance.

Cogent, s.s., of Sunderland — assisted to save vessel.

Commodore, fishing smack, of Milford Conistol, schooner, of Barrow ,.

Countess of Anglesey, barque of Liverpool Daniel, barque of Tvedestrand stood by vessel.

Dashing Wa ve schooner, of Fowey—assisted to save vesssl.

Denis Carty, sch., of Wexford .

Diana, ketch, of Rye s also assisted to save vessel.

Domino, s.s., of Liverpoolremained in attendance.

Dora, schooner, of Carnarvon— rendered assistance.

Douglas, s.s., of Sunderland—• landed 16.

Dunnikier, steam ketch, of Kirkcaldy —stood by vessel.

Earl of Beaconsjield, schooner, of Chester 5 also assisted to save vessel.

Economy, smack, of Lowestoft —saved smack and 5 Elizabeth, ketch, of Tenby 3 Elizabeth, ketch, of Bude 3 also saved a dog.

Elwood, schooner, of St. Ives .. 4 Enriqueta, s.s., of Grangemouth 10 also landed 10.

Ensign, schooner of Plymouth . 5 also saved a dog.

Erna, barque, of Arendal 8 Eugene, Schneider, barque, of Nantes—rendered assistance.

Fawn, smack, of Yarmouth— stood by boat.

Fishing boats of CuIIercoats, Filey, Flamborough, Gourdon, Groomsport,Newbiggin,North Sunderland, Spittal, St. Andrews, Whitby and Wickrendered assistance.

E'ishing boat, of- Castletown ! saved boat and 3! Florinda, small yacht, of Ports- ' mouth—saved J'acbt and Francesca Ciampo, ship of Castellamare —rendered assistance.

Gesine, schooner, of Oldersum..

ves ' •fid. ! Lives saved.

Oowerian, sch., of Aberystwith.

Harkaioay, sch., of Capetown —stood by vessel.

101 Harmony, schooner, of Padstow Helen Hutcheson, schooner, of ! Peterhead Uelcn Walker, fishing boat, of Girvan also rendered assistance.

i Hopper No. 3, s.s., of Liverpool 21 —rendered assistance, J Imogene, brigantine, of Liverpool Innisfallen, s.s., of Liverpoolstood by vessel.

Irex, fishing boat, of Port Patrick Jane Anne Elizabeth, ketch, of Swansea Janie, schooner, of Truro Jannet, schooner, of Carnarvon Jessomene, ship, of Liverpool— rendered assistance.

Joseph et Yvonne, smack, of Dunkerque t Julia, schooner, of Runcorn ...

' Juno, barquentine, of Riga— [ stood by vessel.

! Kalliope, ship, of Hamburg— I stood by vessel.

! Ketch, of Buncranna—landed 2.

- Kwj Ja. Ja, s.s., of Swansea— I stood by vessel, also saved ...

Leander, s.s., of London—assisted to save vessel and Lihurna, barque, of Arendal ...

Lily, yacht, saved yacht and ...

j Magnificent, lugger, of Buckie— 2! stood by vessel.

' Malvoisin, ketch, of London . ..

| also assisted to save vessel.

' Margaret Garton, schooner, of i Castletovvn 4 | Margaret Hobley, schooner, of Millom—saved vessel and Maria, schooner, of Hull—rendered assistance.

Marianna, barque, of Arendal —landed 1.

Martha Ann, schooner, of Xc wry —stood by vessel.

Mary Ada Short, s.s., of Sunderland —assisted to save vessel.

Mary and Gertrude, schooner, of Wexford Mary Annie, schooner, of Dublin Mary Fanny, schooner, of Bridgwater —saved vessel and Mary Jane, fishing lugger, of Campbeltown — saved vessel and May Blossom, coble, of Whitby —stood by coble.

MUlgate, s.s., of Manchester ...

Millom Castle, schooner also saved a dog.

Minnie Eaton, brigantine, of Lowestoft—stood by vessel.

Minnie Coles, schooner, of Chester M. J. Hedley, s.s., of Penzance —assisted to save vessel.

Myrtle, ketch, of Yarmouth New Boy, smack, of Lowestoft .

Ole Bull, s.s., of Bergen—rendered assistance.

Oneida, fishing boat, of Sennen Cove—saved boat and ' Optima-, 4 masted barque, of 11 Hamburg • Oria, s.s., of Bilbao—landed 12.

1 Pilyrim-i smack, of Beaumaris..

: Pluvier, schooner, of Aberyst- " with 5 j Polly, fishing boat, of Girvan...

5 ' Primula, brigantine, of Istorp .

Rwo, s.s., of Hangesund j Riverside, s.s., of Belfast ...

5 i Rockcl'ijf, s.s., of VestHartlepool j —rendered assistance.

3 ; Rosa, steam trawler, of Montrose I afterwards assisted to save 4' vessel.

j Royal Standard, s.s., of Sunderi land—stood by vessel.

[R.T.K., schooner, of Fowey— ] stood by vessel.

8 i Sar ah Davies,schooner,ot Dublin , Sarnian Gem, barquentine, of ! Littlehampton : Schooners, three, landed 15.

3 Scottish Isles, ship, of Liverpool j —rendered assistance.

3, Seven Brothers, schooner, of 5 j Beaumaris 5 : Shamrock, steam trawler, of ,' Hull—rendered assistance.

! Sfnloo, s.s., of Newcastle— | landed 17.

4 ' Sonnet, steam drifter, of Wick .

3 [ Spray, tug, of Harwich, rendered I assistance.

j Spring, s.s., of Christiam'a— : assisted to save vessel.

'Stella Maris, s.s., of Glasgow— i landed 12.

St. Louise, fishing lugger, of 6 Boulogne ; also assisted to save vessel.

24 I St. Monan, barque, of Stavanger 10 | —rendered assistance.

2 St. Vincent, s.s., of Glasgow— j landed an injured man.

i Thirza, brigantine, of Faver- 4 | sham—assisted to save vessel j and Thomas Edwin, ketch, of Ply- 5' mouth ; Titan, s.s., of Hamburg—ren- 4 ; dered assistance.

i Traen, brig, of Christiania ; Trignac, s,s.,of Nantes—assisted ; to save vessel.

i Two Brothers, coble, of North Sunderland—stood by coble.

j Ugunjeemn—barque, of Riga— : stood by vessel.

: Ulnndi, steam trawler, of I Grimsby—stood by vessel.

4 j Volunteer, schooner, of Car- 3! narvon | Welcome Home, schooner, of 3 Plymouth i Wesley, ketch, of Jersey i William Berey, schooner, of Port 3 St. Mary , Total lives saved by Life-boats in 1905,in addition to which 27 ' | vessels and boats were saved and 91 persons landed from vessels in distress, lightships, | etc 397 i During the same period the Tnj stitution granted rewards for | saving lives by fishing and I other boats 153 • Total lives saved in 1905 by Lifei boats and other means 550 3,.