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Index to the Life-Boat Stations of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution


f The figures refer to tlu numbers of Hit Life-boats detailed, on pages 616-627.) Aberdovey, Merioneth, 165.

Abersocb, Carnarvon, 169 Aberystwith, Cardigan, 164.

Dover. Kent. 82. Littlehaven. Pembroke, 158. Robin Hood's Bay, Yorks, 31.

Drogheda, Ireland, 258.

Dublin. Ireland. 261.

Ackergill, Scotland, 223. ' Dunnar, Scotland, 245.

Aldeburgh So 1, Suffolk, 68.

AMebunjn No. 2, Suffolk 69.

Alnmouth. Northumb., 6.

Anstruther, Scotland, 242.

Angle, Pembroke, 157.

Appledore Nos. 1 & 2, N. Devon. 143. 144.

Aranmore, Ireland, 280.

Arbroath, Scotland, 2 '8.

Ardrossan Scotland, 215.

Arklow Ireland, 265.

Atherfleld, 1. of Wight, 102.

Ayr, Scotland, 212.

Balcary, Scotland, 2»5.

Bnllantrae, Scotland, 210.

Ballycotton, Ireland, 276.

Ballywalter, Ireland, 250.

Banff. Scotland, 228.

Barmouth, Merioneth, 166.

Barrow, Lanes., 196.

Barry Dock, Glamorgan, 151.

Bernbridge,I4e of* lght.101.

Berwick. Northnmb., 1.

Blackpool, Lanes., 19'.

Blacfcrock, Ireland, 256.

Blaxeney. Norfolk, 47.

Blyth, Northumberland, 11.


Bournemouth, Dorset, 108.

Brancaster, Norfolk, 45.

Bridiintiton, Yorks. 36.

Brighton, Sussex, 93.

Brig-stone, I. of Wig'it. 103.

Brixham, S. Devon, 116.

Broadf-tairs, Kent. 77.

Brooke, Isl- of • ight, 104.

Broughty Feiry, Scot., 239.

Buckhaven, Scotland, 243.

Borkir, Scotland, 227.

Bude, Cornwall, 141.

Bull Bay, Anitlesey, 178.

Bun, ham, Somerset 149.

Burry Port, Carmarthen, 1G4.

Cadgwith, Cornwall, 127.

Cahore, Ireland, 267.

Cai-ter o. 1, Norfolk, 55.

Catster Mo. 2, Norf lk. 56.

Cambois, Northumb., 10.

Camp- eltown, Scotland, 216.

Cardigan, 162.

Carrickfergus, Ireland, 248.

Castleto»n, Isle of Man, 201.

Cerates, Angle ey, i77.

Cemlyn, Anglesey, i76.

CUctoii-on-Sea Essex, 73.

Clogher Hea l, Ireland, 257.

Cloughey, Ireland, 251.

Clovelly, N Devon, 142.

Courtmac-herry.rr. land, 278.

Courtown. In land, 266.

Coverack, Cornwall, 126.

Crail. Scotland, 241.

Creaswell, Norrhumb. , 8.

Criccieth, Carnarvon, 167.

Cr-mer Norfolk, 49.

Culrtaff, Ireland, 281.

Cullercoats, Nortnunib., 12.

Deal, Kent, 79.

Donna Nook, Lines., 40.

Douglas, Isle of Man, 2CO.

Dundee, Sco-la"d, 239.

Dungirvan, Ireland, 274.

Dun ;en SB No 1, K-rit, 86.

DuiigenesB No. 2, Kent, 87.

Dunrnore East, Ireland 272.

Lizard, Cornwall, 128.

Llauddulai, Denbigh, 182.

Llanddwyn, Anglesey, 171.

Llandndau, Carnarvon, 181.

Longhope, Orkneys, 220.

L'ioe, Cornwall. 121.

Lo siemouth, Scotland, 226.

Lowes' oft No. 1, Suffolk, 61.

Eastbourne No.l, Sussex, 90. lLowestoft No. 2, Suffolk, 62.

Eastb urneNo.2, Sussex, 91. ] Lyme negis, Dorset, 111.

Kxmmth, S. Devon, 113.

Eyemouth, Scotland, 246.

H'altnouth Cornwall, 124.

Fenit, Ireland, 279.

Ferryside. Carm. Bay, 155.

Fethard Ireland, 271.

Lynmouth, N. Devon, 146.

Lytham, Lanes., !9l.

Mabiethorpe, Lines., 41.

Marnate No. 1, Kent, 75.

Margate No. 2, Kent, 76.

Rosslare Harb., Ireland, 269.

Runswick, Yorks, 27.

Ryde, Isle of Wight, 100.

St. Andrew's, Scotland, 240.

St. Anne's Nos. 1 & 2, Lancashire, 192, 193.

St. David's, Pembroke, 159.

St. Ive's, Cornwall, 135.

Salcombe, S. Devon, 117.

Saltburn, Yorks. 25.

Scarborough, „ 32.

Scilly (St. Agnes), 134.

„ (St. Mary's), 133.

Seabam, Durham, 18.

Seaton Carew, „ 23.

Maryp-irt, Cumberland, 198. Seisey, Sussex, 97.

Flley, Yorks, 33. ! Mevagissey, Cornwall, 123. : Sennen Cove, Cornwall, 132.

Fishgnard Nos. 1 & 2, Pern., ; Milf .rd Haven, Pern., 157.

160, 161. : Mineh-ad, Somerset, 147.

Flamborough Nos.l&2,34,35.

Fleetwooil, Lanes., 195.

Folkestone, Kent, 83.

Formhy, Lanes., 189.

Fowey, Cornwall. 122.

Fraserburgh Scotland, 229.

Giles Quay, Ireland, 255.

Qirvan, Scotland, 211.

OorlestOTi No 1, Suffolk, 58.

Gorlcston No. 2, Suffolk, 59.

(TOT leston No, 3. Suffolk, 60.

Oourdon, Scotland, 234 Greencasile, Ireland, 282.

Greenore, Ireland, 254 Grimsbv, Lines., 39.

Groomsport, Ireland, 249.

Guernsey, ".07.

H .rtlepool No.l,Durham,19.

Moelfre, Anglesey. 179.

Montrose Nos. 1 & 2, Scotland, 236, 237.

Mullion, O.,rn*aH 129.

Mumbles, Glamorgan, 152.

Nairn, Scotland, 225.

NewWugin, Northumb., 9.

New Brighton N.w. 1 & 2, Cheshire, 187, 188.

Newburgh, -Scotland, 232.

Newcastle, Ireland, 253.

Newbaven, Sussex, 92.

New Qua (Card.j, 163.

Newquay (Corn.), 137.

New Homuey, Kent, 85.

N. Berwick, Scotland, 244.

North Deal Kent, 79 N.Sunderland, Northnmb., 4.

I'artlep'K)! No.2, Durham,20. ' Orme's Head, Carnarv'n, 181.

Ha tlepoolNo.3, Durham, 21. fParfstow Nos. i & 2, Corn- Harwich No. 1, Essex, 70.

Harwich No. 2, Essex, 71.

H ishorough. Norfolk, 50.

Hastings, Sussex, 89.

Hauxley, Northumberrnd,7.

Hayle, Cornwall, 136.

Hayling Island, Hants, 93.

Hehlck Head, Ireland, 2:4.

Hilbre Island, Cheshire, 185.

Hulyhead Nus. i & 2, Anglewall, 138, 139.

Pakefleld, Suffolk, 63, Palling No 1. Norfolk, 61.

Palling No. 2, Norfolk, 52.

Peel, Isle of Man, 204.

Penmon, Anglesey, 180.

Penzance Cornwall, 131.

Peterhead, Scotland, 230.

Ptel( Barrow), Lanes.. 196.

Plymoutlj, S. Devon, 120.

sey, 174, 175. i Point of Ayr, Flint 184.

H'.ly Island Nos. 1 & 2, i Polkerris, Cornwall, 122.

Northumberland, 2, 3. Polpear, „ 128.

H :p Cove, S. Devon, 118.

Hornsea, Yorks., 37.

Hi w'h, Ireland, 260.

Hoylake, Cheshire, 186.

Huna, Scotland, 222.

ITunr-tanton, Norfolk, 44.

Hythe, Kent, 84.

llfracomb-, N. Devon, 145.

Irvine, Scotland, 214.

Poolbeg, Ireland, 261.

Sheringham, Norfolk, 48.

Shoreham, Sussex, 94.

Sidmoiuh, S. Devon, 112.

Skegness, Lines., 43.

Skerries, Ireland, 259. [217.

Southend (CantyreJ. cotlau-l, S(.ntheud-on-Sea, Essex, 74.

Southport, Lanes., 190.

Sonthsea, Hants, 99.

South wold No. 1, Suffolk, 66.

No. 2, „ 67.

Staithes, Yorks, 26.

Stonehaven, Scotland, 233.

Stornoway, Lewis, 218.

Stromness, Orkneys, 219.

Snuierland, Htndon Beach 17.

Sunderland. N. Dock, 15.

Sumierland, S. Outlet, 16.

Sutton, Lines.. 42.

Swanage, Dorset, 109.

Teignmouth. S. Devon, 114.

Tenby, Pembroke 156.

Thurso, Scotland, 221.

Torquay, S. Dtvon, 115.

Totlaud Bay, I. Wight, 105.

Tralee, Ireland, 279 Tramore, Ireland, 273.

Troon, Scotland, 213.

Tynemouth, Northumberland, 13.

Upgang, Yorks, 28.

Walmer, Kent, 811.

Walton-on-Naze, Essex, 72.

Watchet, Somerset, 148.

Wells. Norfolk, 46.

Poole, Dorset. 108. W. Hartlepool, ' 'nrham, 22.

Porthdinllaen, Cam., 170. } Veston-super-Mare, 150.

Porttile-en, Cornwall, 1"0. Wexf.rd, Ireland, 268.

Porthoustock, ,, 125. Weymouth, Do et, 110.

Port Erin, Isle of Man, 203. Whitbnrn, Durham, 14.

Port Erroil, Scotland, 2.11. Whitby No. 1, Yorks, 29.

Port Eynon, Glamorgan 153 ,, No. 2, ,, 30.

Port Isaac, Cornwall, 140. ; VVhltehaveu, Cumb., 197.

Jeraey, 106. Fort Logan. Scotland, 208. j Wnftnorn, Sattand, 207.

Johushaven, Scotland, 235. Port Patrick, Scotland, 209. : Wick, ,, 24.

Ke sinirland Nos. 1 & 2, Portrush, Ireland. 247. WictUow, Ire'and, 264.

Snffolk, 64, 65. ' PortSt.Mary, I. of Man, 202. '. Wiuchelsea, Sussex, 88.

Kil'onKh. Irelmd, 252. Pwllheli, Carnarvon, 168. Winterton No.l,.,53.

Kllmore Ireland, 270. Queenstown, Ireland 277. ,, No. 2, ,, 54.

King-downe, Kent, 81. Ramsey. Isle ot Man, 199. Witherusea, York", 38.

Kingstown N . 1 & 2, Ire- ' Ramsgate Kent, 78. Workington, :umb., p. 622.

land, 262, 263. Redc.r Yorks. 24. Worthing, Snssex, 95.

Kirkcudbright, Scotland, Rhoscolyn, Airglesey, 173. Yarmouth, Norfolk, 57.

206. : Rhosnehrir, „ 172. Yealm River, S. Devon, 119.

Littlohampton, Sussex, 96. : Rhyl, Flint, 183. ( YougBal, Ireland, 275..