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Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution


(IV fifura refer to the numbm of the Life-boati detailed on paget 616 627.) A Friend, per Pembroke Stevens, E«q., K.C , 26 i.

A Ljady. 14.

Alien. Miss E.G., the late. 208.

Allen, T. W.,Esq. , the late, 6.

Andrew, Miss, the late, 7.

A"»" vmous, 8 Anonymous, 28.

Anonymous, 189.

An -nynious, 193.

Anonymous per Manchester Branch, 199.

Anthonj, Dr., the late 10.

Arkcoll, Chae., n*q., 89.

Armitage. E.. Esq., K A ,253 Ashley, 0. Carr, Esq., 111.

Atherstone, J. G., Esq., the late, 23!.

Austin. vHss, the late, 162.

Avins, Mr., the Late 120.

Back, Mrs., the late, 128.

Ball, Miss, the late. 43.

Baltic Life-boat Fund 46.

Barclay, Mrs., the late, 1 54.

Barkworth. Joho B., Esq., the late, 67 Bat*. Mins 112.

Bayli-s, Mr., the late, 17.

Beacb, «i«s, theOate 149.

Peddington, H. C., Esq., the Lite, 258.

Berrey, Mrs., 228.

Bewick, Miss, the late, 4.

Biggs, Miss, the late, 191.

Black, Mrs., the lale, 201.

Black, Mrs. Alexander, 233.

Blickw.iod.Sir Arthur, Life boat Fund, 54.

Blarkwood, Hans, Esq., the late, 42.

Blaue. Mrs., the late, 256,271.

Blane, Capt. Rodney, R.N., Bolton. coll. in, 64. [167.

Bradshaw Mrs. the late. 251.

Brand, Maj'T G. Ho-atio, 21.

Briggs. Major-Gen. VV. L., O.K., the late, 185.

Brocksopp, V., Esq., the late. 165.

Brooke, Miss E., thelite,280.

Brniishufl, ( !ol.. the late, 106, 107. 223 Buff al es. Royal Antediluvian Order of. 86.

Bnrcb. Mrs 57.

Burroughes.Mrs.,the late,47 .

Bur; on. C T M , Esq., the late. Tru teesof. 39 Chapman, vlrs. M. H., the late, 249.

Chisholm.Mrs.. the late, 123.

City of London Masonic Lifeboat Fund, 108.

Ci Service Life-boat Fund 76. 79 80.198, 2I'0 i09/.'63 Clark, Nor. nan, Esq , the 1 te. 244. [95.

Co'eman. Mrs. Birt-Davies, Collin, Miss, the late, 176.

Co-operative Union. Limited, 12, 145, 221.

Coplind, Mrs., the late, 3.

Corn Exchange, Mark Ijuie Members of the. 58 [66.

Corry. A 1 . Esq.. the late.

Courtney. Mrs. ,ihe late, 122.

Covem r*rdeu '-life-boat Funrt 55 Cox, Mrs E.E.,thelate 1'7.

Creswell. Mrs. A. E., the late, 261.

Cullen, Misa M., the late, 178.

Curli' g, Miss, 13.

II., 269.

Devey, Miss E , the late, 156.

I'ixon, Miss Anne, 40.

Dodd, H., Esq., toe late, 272 Downie, Miss, the late, 161.

Dr sdtn Edmoud, Esq., the late, 69.

Drnmmond, Mrs. Dundas.the late, 133.

Drybrongh, T. B. Esq., 248.

Dudley, J. W., Esq. the late, 88.

E. B., M. P., and A. and E. 1., Cheddar, 24.

Eason, Miss, the late, 54.

Echaiaz, tbe liev. T. S., the laie, 225. 234.

Edwards. Mrs., the late, 100.

Egdell, Miss, the late, A.

Ellis. Mrs., the lale, 29 English, the late Mis.s,s, 265.

Erie. Lady, the late, 109.

Evans, Vlrs., the lat-, 177.

Fawceit, Mrs., th - late, and an anonymous g.ft, 70.

Fergusson, Miss, the late,206.

Fielden, J. A., Esq., 30.

Fielden. Samuel, John and Joshua, Esq»., 196.

Fielder, Miss M., the late, 5.

Kinlayson, J., Esq., the late, 226.

Fleming, Miss J. I.; the lat», 170.

Fleming, Mrs., the late, 105.

Fletcher, Mr. Samuel, the late, 194.

Foresters, Ancient Order of, 22, 34, 239.

Fortune, Dr.. the late, 231.

Foster, Herbert A., Esq., and relatives, :i2.

Fr*eman, F. J., Esq., the l.te, 96.

Freemasons of England, 73, 118.

'Jarden. tbe late R. T.. Esq., 141, 264.

Glasgow City of, 71.

Qould, John, Esq., the late, 171, 182.

Groome, Mrs., the late, 252.

Gwilt, Alfred, Esq , the late.


Hardie, T. K. Esq., 212 Hargrave, Chas., Esq., the late. xl.

Harlina. -Tohn, Esq., Residuary Legatees of the late.


Harvey. H. M. Esq., the late, 157.

Harvey, Mrs. Edmund. 139.

Hawkins, VIr. C the late, 27 Haxton.Mrs., the late 243.

Hay, f ., Esq., rhe late, 205 He»rne, T. P., Esq.. 276 Hearts of Oak Beneti t,St tcieiy, 52.

Heartwell, Miss, th- late, 49.

Henley. George, Es'(., the late, 273.

Hevland Memorial, 99.

Hills, F. E., Esq., the late, 126.

Hodges, Mrs., the late, 16.

Holden, Miss, the Lite, 2 5.

Hnllon.K. W., usq., the late, 33.

! Homan. E., Esq., 110.

Hopw'jod, S. VV.. Esq.. 247.

Howard, Mrs. Atherton, the late. 179.

Hoyle, Isaac, E-q., 82.

rluddersheld, collected in, 60 Ingleby. Rev. Chas., the late, per G. P Wragge, Esq., 20 Jacomb-Hood, Miss E. H., the late, 9. [1C3.

Jarmati, Miss A. E., the late, . Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Fund. 92.

Jones-Gibb, Mrs. T., 166.

Jones. Miss M., the late, 163.

Ker, Rorjen, Esq., 217.

Kidd, Mrs., the late, 75.

King, Miss, the late, 279.

Lamb, Miss, the late, 167.

Leather, Jos., Esq. 267.

Lee. Mrs., the late. 229.

Leicester, collected in, 59.

Leicester. Miss, 144, 147, 197.

Levy, George, Esq.. the late, 207. [K4.

Lewis, W. S., Esq., the late, License*! Victuallers, collected from, 44.

Ungard, Mrs., the late, 41.

Lingham, Mrs., the late 172.

Lockwood, T., Ksq., the 'ate, 31.

Lovibond, George, Esq., the late. 9 Luckomb". Mrs., the late, 375, Lucv, Henry W., Esq. J.P., 56.

MacDonald, Mrs. 143.

Madge, J. C., Esq., the late, 48.

Manchester Branch, 155, 171. 182, 199.

Vavnird, Rev. W. S., 259.

Medland, J. B., Esq., tbe lat. , 152.

Medwin, Dr., the late, 204.

Metcalfe. J.Esq.,tue iate,i59.

MiddieW'torl, 'Teo., Esq., and Miss Mtddlewooo, 35.

Milliard, W. A., Esq., 245.

Montgomery, Mrs., 281.

Moon Jas., Esq., the late, «7.

Moore. Mrs., the 'ate, 61.

More 1 la, Che Countess de, 173.

Sew Oriental Bank, 136.

Newbon, R.A., Esq., the late, H7. 116, 124, 129, 132.

Nicholls, G P., Esq., the late, 214.

Norhury Life-boat Fund, 199.

Dl.lham Life-hoat Fund, 169.

Pan;e, Miss, tbe late, 11.

Parkin. T., Esq., the late, 63.

Paterson, Miss, the late, 241.

P.iul James, M.D., the late, 65.

1'eele, C. J., Esq. (Steam Tug p. 621.

Pickard. A. .Esq., the late.

230 246, 262. [195.

Pickup, Jas., Esq., the late, Pla", Mrs., the late, 168 Pooley, G. Esq., the latt , 255.

Po»el , H H., Esq., 184 Preston, K. A. B., E-q., 138.

ycEEh VICTORIA, HKK LATE V i x . i K S n , 194 [94.

Restell. W. T., Esq., the late.

Kicuardscm. H. f. Esq., the late, 183, 187.

Richardson, the lat« Mrs.

Harriot. 2'0 Roberts, Mr. W., the late, 158 Roget, Mrs., 142.

Kolle ton, Miss, t' elate, 181.

Rosebery, Lady the late, 84.

Ross, Mr. R. R., the late, 148.

Rous, Admiral, Life-boat Fund, 38.

Royds, C. M., Esq., 192.

Ryder, Wm., Esq., ihe late, 121.

Sargenson, Miss, the late, 203.

Scales, Mrs., the late, 25.

Settle, collected in, 37, 180.

S. G. G. (anonymous), 134.

Sharpe, James, Esq.. the late, 227.

Shepberrts, Ancient Loyal Order or, 219 SilkenstSdt, Mrs., 45 Simcox, Mrs., the late. 87.

Simmons, Mis- Ida, 222.

Simpson, ihe Misses, 1. [18.

Skyuner, Jno , Esq., tbe late, Skynner. Mi»s K. S , the lat •, 83.

Smart. Mrs. Francis G., 163.

Smart, M. C., Esq., the la'e, 119.

Smitheman, The Misses, 131.

Somes, Mrs.. 113 Squarey, Mr., the late, '86.

Staniforih, Mrs. F. J., the late, 114.

Stephens Mrs. Charl s, 78.

Stevens, James, *--q.,the late, 60, 72, 74, *5, 91, 125, 135, 137.2H2, 211.215,216,232, 2;:8, 260. 268, 274,277.

Stock Excnange Fund, 62.

Stock, Mrs. A. S., the late, 150.

Swift. Mrs., the late, 102.

Taylor, Miss M., the late.270.

T. E. W., 2,8.

Tudor. Mrs., the late, 160.

Turner, Samuel, Esq., 236.

Walker. G., Esq., tbe late.

3« Walker, Mrs , the late, 242.

"•allace. H. R. C., Eso.,the late, 213.

Wallace, W., Esq., the late, 250.

Wallis. W , Es-j., the late,93.

Webster. Miss, the late, 77.

Wesley, John, Fund, 151.

Wesl, K Thornton, Esq., the late, and Mrs. West. '40.

Wheeler. Rev. T. L., 146.

White Mrs., the late, 130.

Whitton Mr. C. R., tbe late, 257.

Whitwonh, Sir Joseph, the late, and friends, 175.

Wi hton, Mrs., the late. 115.

Vignev. Mrs.. z40.

Willis, Mrs. E. A. the late, 282.

Winchester, City of, 68.

VVingate the Misses, the late. 90.

Wood, Major Lancelot the late, 51.

Woofindin, Geo., Esq., the lare, 15.

" X.," 98..