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Welcome Home

The schooner Welcome Home, of Plymouth, was observed about 7 A.M. on the 19th November running for Hayle in an E.N.E. gale, and when attempting to cross the bar she stranded. The assembly signal for the Life-boat crew was at once fired, and within twelve minutes the Life-boat E. F. Harrison was launched and on her way to the rescue—a very smart piece of work. The schooner was bound from Garston to Hayle with a cargo of coal when disaster overtook her, and her crew were disinclined at first to leave their craft. They asked the Coxswain of the Life-boat to stand by them, and this was done. In the mean- time two of the men on board took the ship's boat, but the great risk they incurred in the heavy sea prevented them from attempting to land. Shortly after the remaining men decided to abandon their craft, and having been taken into the Life-boat, she picked up the other two, and all five were conveyed in safety to Hayle..