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The S.S. Araucania

Late on the night of the 25th October the s.a.

Araucania of Glasgow stranded on the rooks known as the " Inches," outside Ardrossan harbour. The vessel had left dock with a cargo of coals for Genoa, and broke down shortly after putting to sea. The weather was com- paratively fine when the accident occurred, but towards morning the S.W. wind increased to a strong breeze, and the Life-boat James Stevens No. 8 was launched and took off part of the crew and landed them. The vessel lay in a bad position, and the weather, as the morning went on, got worse, the wind increasing to a gale and bringing up heavy breaking seas. As towards mid- day the position of the men on board was one of decided danger, the Life- boat was again launched and pro- ceeded to the steamer. On coming along- side, the task of taking off the captain and the remainder of the crew was one ef the utmost difficulty, heavy seas sweeping over the steamer to windward, and the rocks to leeward preventing the boat taking shelter. At length the rescue was accomplished, bat whilst the crew were being taken off a wave drove the boat against the wreck and stove her bows.

When the wreck was cleared it was found that the boat was almost unwork- able, the Coxswain therefore with good judgment, made no attempt to regain the harbour, but put about and with considerable skill beached her on the south beach. The service was an excel- lent one and resulted in the saving of twenty-three lives..