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Support the Life-Boat Institution. Our Life-Boat Heroes

How came the might of England ? Not by the tongue or pen; Deeply it grew as a flower in the hearts of its bravest men.

And it scattered the seeds of heroes along the storm-swept shore, That they might work for glory, for the strange sea-love they bore.

Now, this is the joy of the Life-boat, that its joys be known anew; Fearless and free at its launching, bearing its gallant crew; Proudly it ploughs the billows, or joyously leaps the waves, Clearing the sands and shallows, and spurn- ing the depths of the graves.

And this is the dirge of the Life-boat; in the days of its stressful pride There's death in the waters, brother, when wreckage comes in with the tide; Death when the fathers of little ones, and husbands of loving wives, For the sake of an unsung glory go out to the saving of lives.

Dark the night when the storm breaks; fight- ing the blinding spray, Heedless of dazzling flashes that lighten the darksome way; On, on to the work of rescue! Hearts that are weak may fail, But souls in distress bear hope when the men of the Life-boat hail.

These are the men that labour—saviours and heroes all; Snatching the prey from the hunger of the treacherous ocean's thrall.

Sons of Old England, true to their trust; cherish their manhood well; For the duty they give to their brothers is such as no words may tell. ,Roy..