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Minnie Coles

On Sunday morning, the 12th November, the schooner Minnie Coles, of Chester, with a cargo of coal from Kuncorn, arrived off Arklow harbour, and was compelled, owing to the heavy seas, to anchor about a mile outside. During the after- noon an easterly gale sprang up and increased considerably. About 10 P.M.

signals of distress were noticed from the schooner, and steps were immediately taken to launch the Life-boat Frances and Charlotte. In the heavy gale the efforts of the crew to pull the boat out of harbour proved unavailing, a rope from the shore was then made fast and the boat towed by many willing hands to the end of pier ; here very heavy seas were encountered, the boat being con- tinually driven back, but after repeated efforts the boat was got clear, and after a hard struggle reached the distressed schooner. They found that her anchors were dragging and that the heavy waves broke continuously over her. By the aid of ropes the crew, four in number, were rescued and conveyed in safety to Arklow..