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Life-Boat Saturday

SUCH serious problems as the " Unem- ployed " and the stagnation and alleged decline of trade, added to the general unrest throughout Europe on account of the Russo-Japanese war, now happily at an end, one and all rendered the self- denying, although self-imposed, task of those connected with the Life-boat Saturday Fund, a more than usually difficult one during the past year.

Difficulties, however, and opposition have been gallantly and bravely met, and taking all things into consideration, the hard work of 1905—given without stint or sparing—has in the aggregate produced far better results than might well have been expected. The inspiring and patriotic objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION are excellent weapons to conjure with, but even the best of weapons and the grandest of objects become in them- selves almost powerless and useless unless wielded by those endued with unbounded enthusiasm and unflagging effort. Congratulations are therefore due to those who have " laboured Jong and laboured well" to promote the great national work of life-saving which the Institution has assiduously carried on for upwards of fourscore years, and to assist which the Life-boat Saturday Fund was originated and has since con- tinuously worked. We must cheerfully hope that the "bad times" are beginning to get behind us, and that the new year may prove in every way a more prosperous one than the last—for the Empire, for our people, and for the Life-boat cause. In any case, " come good or come bad," one thing is per- fectly certain, namely, that " Life-boat Saturday " will not be allowed to suffer, but that every effort will be made by the Auxiliaries and Committees through- out the country to maintain and extend its operations, always bearing in mind the never-to-be-forgotten fact that still there is, and ever will be, "sorrow on the sea," which it is the duty as well as the privilege of every Britisher to endeavour to lessen by aiding and sup- porting such excellent means for the purpose as those employed by THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE - BOAT LYSTI- TUTION..