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The S.S. Spring

At 6.45 A.M.

on the 19th April information was given to the Coxswain of the Life-boat, Samuel Plimsoll that a vessel was ashore on the Newcome Sands. He immediately proceeded to the beach, and seeing the vessel's position was a dangerous one and that the sea broke over her, he launched his boat. A tug took her to the vessel, which proved to be the s.s. Spring, of Christiania. An attempt was being made to salve the steamer, and while the Life-boat re- mained alongside in case of necessity, several of her crew were placed on board to jettison the cargo. After three hours' hard work the steamer floated and went with the Life-boat into harbour. During this service the wind was blowing strongly from E.

and the sea was very heavy..