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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

NUMEROUS demonstrations and collec- tions in connection with the Life-boat Saturday Fund have been arranged and admirably carried out during the past summer. The reports which have come in from all parts of the country indicate that, notwithstanding many difficulties, and in spite of a general complaint as to the badness of the times, the untiring zeal and enthusiasm of the thousands of helpers and friends giving themselves up to the cause have been productive of excellent results. The new arrangements in organisation mentioned in our article in the August number of the Life-boat Journal have on the whole worked as well as could have been expected, and the smooth working of the amended system in the various districts augurs well for the future. Those living in the inland cities and towns have not the same incentive to interest them- selves in the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and its efforts to save life as those residing on the coast, w ho have constantly before them an ocular demonstration of the terrible havoc so frequently wrought on our rock-bound shores by the "stormy wind and tempest," ever and anon resulting in " sorrow on the sea." It is therefore of the utmost importance that the needs of the LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, what it has done, is doing, and can do, should be brought directly and prominently under the notice of our inland popula- tions in order that they may be stirred up to recognise their clear duty to assist in minimising the loss of life amongst those who "go down to the sea inships," to whom they owe so much, not only for the enjoyment of many of the necessaries of life, but also for the benefit of those many luxuries which tend to increase happiness in life. The Life-boat Saturday movement has done much to educate the teeming populations of our great inland cities and towns in this direction; and we would wish in every possible way to encourage the Life-boat Saturday Committees and Ladies' Auxiliaries to persevere in their self-denying efforts to enlist the sym- pathy of the masses with our Life-boats and their gallant crews, feeling assured that if they "faint not" they will secure even greater success in the future than in the past..