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A Fishing Boat

One of the local fishermen, accompanied by his two sons, went off in his open fishing boat about noon on the 2nd June, in a strong breeze from S.W. to haul his lines, which were about H miles east of Blackhead, co. Antrim. He reached the place in safety about 1.30 P.M. ; at that time the wind increased to a moderate gale from the west, and the boat was lost sight of. After ample time had been given for the return of the boat, and as it could not be seen, great anxiety was felt by the man's relatives and others on shore, it being feared the boat must be drifting out to sea.

The Life-boat Chapman was accordingly launched about 3.30, and after an hour's searching fell in with the fishing boat, which was making for home under much difficulty. The Life - boat thereupon turned and keeping close to her in case of accident accompanied her back to Groomsport..