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The crew of four hands of the schooner Volunteer of : Carnarvon, bound from Dunkirk to | Sligo with a cargo of slate, passed a terrible night on the Goodwin Sands on the llth-12th January. Shortly before midnight during a N.W. gale the vessel ran on to the dreaded sands, and fearing she would become a wreck flares were burnt to attract attention, j The sea quickly commenced to dash j right over the vessel, and the imperilled seamen took to the rigging where they '.

remained for eight hours drenched to the skin, awaiting help from the shore.

Although the men were unable to signal after their vessel first struck, the guns from the Lightvessels called out the several Life-boats in the neighbour- hood. They quickly reached the vicinity of the wreck, but in the storm and darkness were unable to locate her, ! so after many hours' search made for j home. At daybreak the coastguard at j Broadstairs saw the schooner on the I sands with the sea making a clean breach over her. He promptly reported it, and the Life-boat Francis Forbes Barton again put to sea and made straight for the wreck. On getting alongside the crew were found in a helplessly numbed and exhausted con- dition. Life - boatmen were put 011 board who unlashed them and helped them into the boat, and with all speed the return journey was commenced.

" First aid " was used to restore warmth and life to the men until landed, when all that was possible was done for their comfort..