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The brig Traen, of Christiania, was wrecked during a moderate north- easterly gale and thick weather, on the 2nd March, on the Goswick Sands.

About 7.30 A.M. the coastguard reported by telephone that a vessel was ashore.

The Coxswain quickly summoned his crew, and the Life-boat Matthew Simp- son made for the wreck. She was found fast ashore with the sea washing over her, and a quantity of telegraph poles, of which her cargo consisted, washing about her, and alongside was the ship's boat in a swamped condition.

The Life-boat hauled as close as possible alongside, and in doing so had much difficulty in getting through the floating cargo and wreckage, sustaining some damage. With all haste the crew of seven men were taken off, there being immediate danger of the masts going by the boai-d. The Life-boat then pulled clear of the wreckage and was picked up by a tug, which took them with all speed to Berwick, the rescued men being very exhausted and suffering from wet and cold.

This was a meritorious service, and the unfortunate sailors were loud in their expressions of gratitude to the brave Life-boatmen ; they were greatly affected when told that within two hours of their rescue their vessel had totally disappeared..