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The Steamers Stella Maris and Oria

About 10 P.M. on the 7th January, two steamers, the Stella Maris, of Glasgow, and Oria, of Bilbao, collided off the Skerries.

Within five minutes of the collision the latter vessel sank, but happily her crew were able to get on board the Stella Maris. This vessel then attempted to reach Holyhead, but when within about 500 yards of the Breakwater Lighthouse she sank. The crews of both steamers managed to get into two boats, but unfortunately one had no oars and the other had only one. The casualty was seen from the Lighthouse and a few minutes after midnight an urgent message was sent by telephone for the Life-boat. In response the steam Life-boat DuJce of Northumberland immediately proceeded to the rescue.

Shortly after passing the Lighthouse a Holyhead boat was passed with one of the steamer's boats filled with men in tow.

The Coxswain was informed that the other boat was still missing. The Life- boat cruised about all night and at daylight found that the remaining men, twelve in number, had with the help of the oar and some loose board from the bottom of the boat reached Skerries Island in safety. The twelve men were taken on board and conveyed to Holy- head where they were landed shortly after noon. During this service the S.W. wind varied from a strong breeze to a gale and the sea was very heavy..