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The S.S. Domino

Three days later the Life-boat was again called out to assist the s.s. Domino, of Liverpool. This vessel was bound from Liverpool to Copenhagen, and when off Dunnet Head, owing to the prevailing north - westerly gale, her Longhope, Jan. 9th, 1905.

To the Coxswain and Crew, Gentlemen,—In my own name and also in the name of my crew, I heartily thank you for the prompt and ready assistance you tendered to us in our time of need. The services coining from an unexpected quarter made them more appreciated still, for I fully ex- pected the boat from the main. Again allow me to tender my thanks, and trust you will all be spared to render aid to those who need it.

Yours truly, (Signed) J. SIMPSON, Master rudderhead carried away. On the arrival of the Life-boat the steamer's anchor was weighed and together they reached Longhope in safety. The fol- lowing letter on behalf of the master and crew was received by the Coxswain :—• s.s. Domino,.