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The Life-Boat the Best of Boats

" A dirty night, lads, bear a hand, It's blowing dead upon the land.

A ship 's ashore—just off the bar; She's all but gone—lost every spar.

Be lively, lads, and launch the craft; Stand by, my hearties, fore and aft.

The breakers roar like angry bulls.

Now, lads, together when it lulls.

Ahoy! out with her, there she floats; Steady, my lass, thou best of boats." 'Twas thus the Life-boat Coxswain spoke.

The oars are plied with steady stroke, And, battling with the wind and wave, The Barque of Hope speeds on to save, Returning with their living freight, Whose blessings make the labour light.

Again the heroes ply the oar, Till safe is reached the distant shore.

All honour to the brave and true! God bless each gallant Life-boat crew.

«T. DcrircAjf KrcH'ABDSOir, Hull..