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About midday on the 8th March, the fishing-boat Irex, belonging to Port Patrick, became unmanageable in the S.W. gale and strong tide. As it was seen she could not make the harbour, the Life-boat Civil Service No. 3 was sent to her assistance and when about a mile to the north of the harbour came up with her. The crew consisting of three hands were taken off and shortly afterwards a heavy sea struck the abandoned vessel and she capsized. The | Life-boat then made for home, and i although she had only a mile to travel the struggle against wind and tide was so severe that it was nearly four hours before the Life-boat regained her j station. The seas were exceptionally ! rough and at times broke right into the Life-boat, completely burying her, but she freed herself well and eventually with the exception of break- j ing some oars and rowlocks reached ; Port Patrick in safety..