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Helen Walker And Polly

A strong W.N.W. gale with a very heavy sea on 1st February caused great anxiety to be felt for some of the fishing boats which were at sea. About 4 P.M. a boat was seen approaching the harbour, and as it was felt that she could never weather the bar the Life-boat James Stevens No. 18 was launched to warn her not to come in. The fishing boat, which was the Helen Walker, ou the advice of the Coxswain then made for Woodland Bay, the Life-boat ac- companying her. Assistance was then given in anchoring the vessel, and the Life-boat remained by her and another boat, the Polly, of Girvan, also at anchor. At high-water both boats were riding so heavily that the crews, eight all told, were taken oft' and landed in was wrecked, but the Helen Walker having outlived the gale was helped into Girvan by the Life-boat. The crew were loud in their praises of the behaviour of the Life-boat, and both ! the launch and services were skilfully carried out.

safety. Next day it was ascertained that the Polly had driven ashore and.