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A Suggestion. To Those In Charge of the Young

CHARACTER never alters, but it may be influenced, instructed and guided, and never so well as in the days of child- hood and early youth. Whilst it is of the utmost importance that the young should be encouraged to be industrious, thrifty and unselfish, it is no less important that they should learn the clear duty of being frank, open and generous. Every child should be taught to exercise consideration for others, and that every gift received and each present bestowed is not to be used exclusively for the benefit of self, but that it should be also employed in doing good or giving pleasure to others. We would suggest that an excellent way of engaging the interest of the young in the well-being of others and of encouraging, if not promoting, in them generous impulses would be for parents, and, indeed, any placed in a position of authority over children, whether for purposes of educa- tion or otherwise, to urge them to I contribute—say a penny a week, or ; even a penny a month—to the ROYAL ! NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION—an object which has undoubtedly for very ; many years been a thoroughly attractive one to the young having a decided flavour ! of romance coupled with a good dash I of sentiment. Schoolmasters and school- ! mistresses might do much by this means to help and encourage the great life- saving work of the Institution. The Secretary will be delighted to co-operate by supplying, on application, pretty contribution boxes in the shape of a life-boat to any proposing to adopt our suggestion. Apply to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 20, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.