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Special Life-Boat Funds



Vice-Patrons — His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND, K.G.

The Most Hon. the MABQUIS OF RIPON, K.G.

The Right Hon. ARTHUR J. BALFOUr, M.P.

Sir W. W. KAKSLAKK, K.C. (late Inland Revenue).

Treasurer—- The Right Hon. Sir RALPH H. KNOX, K.C.B.

Hon. Secretary— CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., F.R.G.S.

Annual Subscription* of 29. 6d. and donations have been given in aid of the above Fund by 26,231 gentlemen in the following Government Depart- ments during the past year t — CIAL LIFE-BOAT FUNDS. Scotch Education Department... 34 Scottish Office Whitehall ... 12 Butler, J &. s. d.

.... 1 1 - Stationery Office 59 11- Colliugridge, J. & Co. . . . ... - 10 6 War Office . . 753 Dennis, J. W ... - 10 6 SCOTLAND.

Auditor of the Court of Sessions Office t... 2 11- EUle s & Fyffes .. . . 1 1 Flook H .... 10 - Harris, F 1 i Hewitt, S .... 10 6 Htgbin H Board of Lunacy 6 Board of Manufactures 10 Jackson, R. H Jay W T ... - 10 6 Levy K Crown Office 5 Customs, Greenock 7 Excbequer 15 I .owe, Joseph Mediuck, Mrs Miles H ... 1 1 - ... 1 1 - General Post Office 340 Miscellaneous Post Offices .... 4195 General Register of Sasines, 10 6 General Record Office 6 Geological Survey of Scotland... 13 Monro, Geo., junr Morgan, W ... 1 1 - ... 1 1 Mott E C Plum K A Royal Scottish Museum 4 Poupart T J Read, B., Ltd Hides H Signet Office 1 IRELAND.

Board of Public Works, Dublin.. 65 ..11 Rochford, John ... 1 1 Rochford, Joseph ... 1 1 Board of Agriculture and Fisheries 29 Board of Education, South Kei.s- Rolls K Customs 15 Rouse. j. ..11 Bo rd of Education, Whitehall . . ) Ot Department of Agriculture .... 17 DuDtin Metropolitan Police .... 4 Dublin Metropolitan Police Office 4 Simsolm, M ... - 10 6 Stowe, H. K ... - 5 - Miscellaneous Post Offices .... 199 General Prisons Board 8 General Register OrHce 18 General Survey and Valuation Office 81 Sutcliffe, John & Sons . . . ..116 Sweet, Jas ..11- ... - 10 6 ,11- Tillman, H. E Veitch, Hiirrv J Walker H 6 Duchy of Lancaster Office 11 1 Exchequer and Audit Office .... 116 Foreign Office 6$ Geological Survey Office 7 Walker, Geo Walking A .. - 5 - ..11 General Post Office 5619 Miscellaneous Post Offices .... 6133 Institutions of Science and Art. . 22 Wood, Ormerod & C..

Wright, J. B ... 11 .11- .. 1 1 Office of National Education .... 46 Royal Irish Constabulary Office, Dublin Castle 16 Total Subs.


Campbell, Malcolm Fit-/pntrick. P. & T Jones, E .£47 2 6 Home Office 733 India Office 168 Stationery Office B Teachers' Pension Office. Dublin 1 Treasury Remembrancer's Office 5 ..11 ..1 1 10 Land Registry Office 43 National Debt Office '2.3 Nautical Almanac Office 10 Office of Woods and Forests 68 Office of Works 125 Patent Office 162 "COVENT GARDEN" LIFE-BOAT FUND.

Hon. Secretary — GEORGE MONKO, Esq.

Annual Subscriptions.

£ s. d. Knowles & Foster Mole, K i-obbins, R. R Smith, Chas., & Son Smith, Jesse sparkes, F. E . ,10 10 - 10 6 .. 1 10 6 . - 10 - .. - 1" 6 Privy Council Office 10 Public Record Office 18 Public Works Loan Office 12 Mevens, V w|jjt hand J Williams, Jos Total Donation . . .

Tutal Subscriptions . . 1 1 --26 .. - 10 - . 17 17 - . 47 2 6 Royal Army Clothing Depart- £61 19 6 Royal Mint . 121 Bigg L 5 Royal Naval College, Greenwich 40 Royal Observatory, Greenwich , . 16 Back, The Misses 10 6 IST MAY, 1905.] SPECIAL THE " FORESTER." "FORESTERS' PRIDE," AND "SAMUEL SHAW- CROSS" LIFE-BOATS FUND.

List of Voluntary Contributions re- ceived for the Fund from the following DISTRICTS and CODBTS, of the ANOIKNT ORDBK OP FOBKSTERS, from January 1 to December 31, 1904, per J. LISTKB STEAD. Esq., P.S. (Vide also pp. 406 and 421.) DISTRICTS.

£. I. d.

Bucks, &c 3 17 10 Cardiff United 1 18 5 Derby, &c 1 1 - 2454 .... 2572 2675 2704 2710 2950 3102 3195 .... 3323 3385 3396 3449 3470 3574 ..

3604 362S 3641 Dundee 2 2 - Greets Green, &c 1 1 - Northampton, 4tc 2 12 7 OtaKO(N.Z) 6 - - 3664 3665 3690 3715 37:10 Shrewsbury 1 1 - South & North Shields 5 9 9 38!I2 , , 3858 Stalybridge - 10 - Wai-minster United 1 - - 3871 Warringum - 6 - LnM COURTS.

410 - 7 - 4154 42 7 4318 653 - 5 - 663 10 4536 454H . . 1544 1 6 6085 (N.Z.) 5090 510t» .. 1594 1 - - 1756 10 2 1902 1 1 - KISfi 1910 - 8 -15171 1915 -10 - 5323 2413 1 1 -15434 LIFE-BOAT FUNDS. 427 £. *. *.

1 12 - £. *. d.

5588 - 11 9 _ 5 _ 9 - -51 22- - 10 - 6873 5 - 6946 - 5 7'296 - 10 - 7651 , 1 - - 9 3 i i - i i - i - - 13 7672 5 - 7697 - 5 - 8305 (S.A ) - 11 6 Sums under 5e 3 9 11 - 6 3 - 5 - 66 THE "MANCHESTER UNITY" LIFE-BOAT FUND.

Annual Subscription from THE INDEPENDENT OEDEB OF ODD FELLOWS (Man- chester Unity) FBIENDLY SOCIETY, for the year 1904, per THOMAS Comxs, Esq.. Secretary 50 - - Donations received by Mr.

Collins from sundry Dis- tricts and Lodges. ( Vide also General List, p. 411) 1 8 8 ... ., -10 - 8 5 - 14 - -76 - 10 - - 10 - It 5 - 16 8.