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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1904

Jan. 1.—Six fishermen rescued fifteen of the crew of the barque Faulconnier, of Dun- kirk, which was wrecked at Travara, near Courtmacsherry, in hazy weather, a strong E.S.E. wind and rough sea. The men had taken to their boats, but it was too rough for them to land, and the sailors, at con- siderable risk, put off in a yawl to their rescue and in two trips brought the fifteen men ashore; while returning on the second occasion the boat was capsized and damaged.

—Reward 91. Cost of repairs, also defrayed by the Institution, 31. 15s. 6d.

Jan. 14.—Four boatmen rescued four men and assisted to save the steam launch Wasp, which was drifting helplessly to sea in a leaking condition off Deal, in a S.S.W. gale and heavy sea, on the 27th November, 1903.— Reward, 41.

Jan. 14.—Five men rescued the crew of four men of the schooner Hastings, of Dundalk, which stranded on the rocks on the north side of Dundalk Bay, in a thick fog and a very heavy sea, on the 19th December, 1903.— Reward, 51.

Jan. 15.—Three fishermen rescued three men from the fishing-boat Wild Base, which capsized during a sudden squall off Filey.— Reward 11. 2s. f d.

Feb. 11. — Voted an aneroid barometer, bearing a suitable inscription, together with II. to THOMAS KELLY, senior, and II. each to four other men, the crew of the fishing-boat Mary Jane, for rescuing, at considerable risk to themselves, six of the crew of the fishing- boat Mary Ann, of Clogher Head, which capsized about two miles off that place in squally weather and a rough sea on the 13th January.

Feb. 11.—H. GALLAGHER and four other men rescued the crew of five hands of a small fishing-boat, which was swamped in a strong south-easterly wind and moderate sea in Rosbeg Bay, near Aranmore, about 8 P.M. on the 28th December, 1903.—Reward, II. 17s. 6d., GALLAGHER being specially commended.

Feb. 11.—Two men rescued, at consider- able risk to themselves, four men from a small boat belonging to the s.s. Mohican, of Liverpool, which had been capsized off Brim- ness in a moderate S.W. wind with a consider- able ground swell on the 1st January.— Reward, 21.

Feb. 11.—Five fishermen put off in a boat, and at considerable risk saved four men from the fishing-boat Mary, of Greencastle, which capsized in a strong north-westerly gale and heavy sea on the 14th January off Greencastle.

—Reward, II. 17s. Gd.

Feb. 12.—Six fishermen rescued fourteen men, the crew of the s.s. Ruby Schultz, of Antwerp, which ran ashore in a fog near Flamborough in a N.E. moderate breeze and choppy sea.—Reward, II. 10s.

Feb. 18.—Five fishermen, at considerable risk, rescued three men who were trying to get ashore at Montrose in the communication boat of the fishing-vessel Ellen, during a N.N.W. gale and a very heavy sea, which had suddenly sprung up.—Reward, 21. 10s.

March 10.—S. HARRIS and two other men, at considerable risk, saved the lives of nine persons from the drifter Snowflake, of Yar- mouth, which stranded on the North Bank at Gorleston, in a moderate S.E. gale and very heavy sea, on the 21st September, 1903.— Reward, 4J.

March 12.—Four men assisted six men of the brigantine Eleanor, of Yarmouth, who were in a damaged boat, to board the Gull Lightvessel and afterwards landed them at Deal.—Reward, 11. 4s.

April 3.—Nine men of the Aldeburgh smack Gipsy, picked up and took into Harwich the crew of eight hands of the brig Remembrance, of Whitby, which stranded on Bawdsey Bank, off Orfordness, and sank during moderate weather.—Reward, 21. 5s.

April 10.—Eleven men aided, by several helpers, put off in the Town Life-boat at Brighton, in a strong westerly wind and rough sea, and rescued crew of three hands of the ketch Antelope, of Portsmouth, which had been beached in a sinking condition.—Reward, 4Z. 11s.

April 14.—Four men landed three men who had been capsized in a small boat in a strong squally N.E. wind, on the 2nd March, off Southend, but managed to reach a shrimp- ing boat, from which they were taken into the other boat.—Reward 14s.

May 12.—Five coastguardsmen rescued two men from a small boat, which was being driven out to sea, in a south-westerly gale and very heavy sea, off Glenarm, Co. Antrim, on the 3rd April.—Reward, 21. 10s.

May 28.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution together with a reward of 11., and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, to ALFRED STONHAM for conspicuous bravery in swimming out and saving the master of the fishing-boat William and Maria, which sank off Hastings ; also 7s. 6d. each to two other men for putting off in a boat and rescuing the remainder of the crew, three in number.

June 9.—R. MARSHFORD and his two sons rescued four persons from a small boat which was swamped, in a strong westerly breeze and rough sea on the 18th August, 1903, when trying to reach Yealm Harbour.—Reward, 31.

June 9.—Three men put off in a boat in a strong easterly breeze on the 6th May and rescued a man who was being blown out to sea in an open boat off Maryport.—Reward, 11. 10s.

July 14.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed on vellum and framed, and £2 to Mr. GEORGE WHEELER, Commissioned Boatman, H.M. Coast Guard, for bravely wading into the surf and, at considerable risk to himself, rescuing a man whose boat had been capsized off Goswick, Northumberland, shortly after 3 a.m. on the 24th May.

July 14.—Three boatmen made an attempt to save a man whose boat foundered in Hoy Sound in a strong S.E. wind and a rough dangerous sea on the 30th May. When the men reached the scene of the accident they could find no trace of the unfortunate man.— Reward, £1 2s. 6d.

July 19.—Two men went to the assistance of a visitor who was being blown out to sea in a small pleasure boat off Port Erin, in a S.E. gale and moderate sea.—Reward, 5s.

July 21.—Two fishermen promptly rescued two men from a crab boat which capsized about 50 yards from the shore ofi Sheringham in a moderate swell, throwing the men into the water.—Reward, 10s.

July 25.—Pour men put ofi in a boat through a rough sea and rescued three persons from a small fishing boat, which was being carried out to sea by the strong tide and strong easterly breeze off Whithorn. — Reward, 11.

August 6.—Two men promptly put ofi in a small boat and saved two persons from the yacht Rita, of Belfast, which capsized in a strong westerly breeze and rough sea ofi Black- head, co. Antrim.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Aug. 11.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed upon vellum and framed, together with II. to J. JEWEL for putting ofi in a boat and gallantly diving into the sea and saving two men whose boat had capsized in Bournemouth Bay, in a moderate breeze and choppy sea on the 4th July.

Ten shillings was also voted to a youth who was instrumental in saving another of the imperilled men; and 15s. to three men who also rowed out with JEWEL to the scene of the accident.

Aug. 11.—Six men put ofi in a boat and saved three persons from a small boat, which was rapidly drifting into broken water, off Montrose, in a strong S.W. breeze and heavy sea, on the 24th June.—Reward, 4Z. 10s.

Aug. 12.—Five men saved the fishing lugger Joe and Christina, of North Sunderland, and her crew of six hands, the vessel having stranded off Beadwell in a moderate gale from N.N.W. and a rough sea, about 10.30 p.m.— Reward, 31.15s.

Sept. 8.—Three men rescued two men, the crew of a fishing boat, which when returning to Selsey was struck by a heavy sea and capsized, throwing her occupants into the water, on the 26th August. Another man also helped to launch the salvors' boat.— Reward, 17s. 6d.

Oct. 3.—Three men saved three of the crew of four hands of the fishing-boat Family Friend, of Kilkeel, which sank on Carlingford Bar, in a moderate S.W. wind and moderate sea, about midnight. The fourth man was unfortunately drowned before the salvors could reach him.—Reward, II. 10s.

Oct. 13.—Seven fishermen put off in a boat from Torquay about 10 P.M., in a moderate S.E. breeze with a nasty ground swell, on the 18th September, to search for another boat, in which three young men had gone off earlier in the evening to attempt to reach Brixham.— Reward, 11. 15s.

Oct. 18.—A fisherman rescued two men whose boat had been capsized on Teignmouth Bar in fine weather.—Reward, 10s.

Oct. 21.— Seven men put off in a boat in heavy weather and rescued three persons who had taken refuge on the breakwater ofi Ardrossan Harbour, their boat having been swamped while attempting to reach Ardrossan from Horse Island.—Reward, 11. 15s.

Nov. 10.—Voted the thanks of the Insti- tution, inscribed on vellum and framed, together with the sum of 11. 10s. each, to Mr. WILLIAM GOWLEY, Deputy Harbour Master at Harrington, and to Mr. JOHN ARM- STRONG, for gallantly putting off in a boat in a strong S.W. gale and very heavy sea and rescuing the crew of three of the schooner Diamond, of Douglas, which stranded off Harrington Harbour on the 5th October. A special letter of thanks was also sent to Capt. MURCHIE, Harbour Master, who directed the operations on this occasion.

Nov. 19.—Six fishermen put off in a coble with the view of assisting the crew of a fishing boat, who were making signals of distress ofi North Sunderland, in moderate weather.— Reward, 11. 10s.

Dec. 8.— Three men rescued the crew of three hands of the ketch Commodore, of Watchet, which was driven on to the sea wall at Burnham, in a moderate westerly gale and rough sea, on the 7th November. The three men were lowered, with ropes round them, waist deep into the water and succeeded in effecting communication with the ketch.

Five other men also assisted in the rescue.— Reward, 21. 2s. 6d.