List of Gifts and Bequests Having Special Conditions Attached to Them Appropriated By the Committee In 1904
The late Xr. William Wallis The late Mrs. 31. C. Liqard.
Rlrs. Charles Stephens . .
Amount of WE or Legacy.
Date received.
1894 6,000 - - 1904 1,000 - - 1,000 - - 1,798 19 - 1902-3 1903 Tbc late Miss Snmb Austin . 1902 Object. How carried out.
For a William. WaZliu Life- boat for the British or Irish coasts.
Life-boat, sent to Brighton.
For & Life-boat, named E/bond %. Ihd!n, for Erl~lsntl or Wales, to bc mainkned in perpetuity.
Life-boat to be sent to Alde- burgh, No. 2 Station.
For a John ibmon Liryard Life-boat.
Life-boat to be sent to Mable- tbcrpe.
For a Cluzrles and Su~anna Stephens Life-boat in memory of her late hus- band.
Life-boat to be sent to Rsms- gate.
For two Life-boats ; one to be named Blizab& dustin, the other Sarnh :lustin.
Approximate CkA3t.
l,i30 - - * in CYSTS iu uhich the cost exceeds the amount of the Gift or Request, the bnlance is defrayed from the general funds of the Institution, but when a balance remains unexpended it is either carried to the general fund or left for future appropriation..