General Index
PAGE FACE , FAG ANNUAL REPORT . . 319 " Life-boat Saturday " Officers . 425 Officers of the Institution . . 326 Balance Sheet . 3:*4 " Life-boat Sunday " Collections . 419 Resolutions at Annual Meeting . 325 . 336 Rewards for Saving Life . • 350 Branch Contributions . 420, 428 Life-boat Services . 382 ! Special Gifts and Bequests, appro- General Contributions . 40 L Life-boat Station, Description o . 3911 priation of (19»4) . . .424 Income and Expendita ire Account 328 ; Medals, Gold and Silver . 385 Special Life-boat Funds . . 426 Legacies and Legacy Forms. 417, 418 | Notice to Boatmen . 347 i Trust Funds and Capital Accounts 332.