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The S.S Lilian

About 110011 on the 6th July the Coastguard fired the Life-boat assembly signal, and in response the crew quickly mustered, launched the boat, and at once pro- ceeded to the s.s. Lilian, of West Hartlepool, which was ashore in a very dangerous position to the south of Mumbles Head. On the arrival of the Life-boat an offer was made to take the crew off, but this they declined as there was no immediate danger. After stand- ing by the vessel for some time the boat returned ashore; but later in the day, on the weather becoming rather threat- ening, the Life-boat again went off to the vessel and remained by her until after hijjh water. As the Lilian proved to be badly damaged and was in a very exposed position, no attempt was made to float her ; and the Life-boat's assist- ance not being required she returned to her station at 2 A.M..