Services of the Life-Boats of the Institution During 1904
Jan. 1.
„ 9 „ 12 ,, 15 „ 10.
„ 16.
„ 17.
„ 21.
,,: 21.
,, 27.
,, 27.
„ 28.
„ 29.
„ 29.
Feb. 5.
„ 12.
„ 12.
„ 12.
„ 12.
,, 12.
,, 12.
„ 13.
„ 13.
„ 13.
„ 1C.
„ 17.
,, 18.
„ 19- 8.30 a.m.
8. 0 a.m.
-16. 7.0a.m.
8. 0 a.m.
6.27 a.m.
10. Op.m.
8.15 a.m.
11. 0 p.m.
11.15 a.m.
6. 5 p.m.
7. 0 p.m.
3. Oa.m.
2. Op.m.
2.15 p.m.
4.24 p.m.
11. 0 p.m.
2. 5 a.m.
10.45 a.m.
1.55 p.m.
7.30 a.m.
6.45 a.m.
21. 5.30a.m.
Lives saved.
Barqus Faulconnicr,oi Dunkirk. Courtmacsherry Life-boat saved 11 Ketch John Bees, of Plymouth. Newquay (Cornwall) Life-boat saved vessel and 3 S.S. Helca, of Copenhagen. Yarmouth Life-boat stood by vessel.
Ketch Esther, of Appledore. Ilfraeombe Life-boat landed 2.
Steam trawler Jules Orban de Xivry, of Ostend. Palling No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
Five fishing-cobles, of Cullercoats. Cullercoats Life-boat stood by cobles.
Ketch Annie Christian, of Liverpool. Watchet Life-boat saved vessel and 4 Schooner Jasper, of Fowey. Caistor No. 1 .Life-boat landed 4 from the Newarp Light-vessel.
S.S. Cayo Bonito, of London. Whitby No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
S.S. Cayo Bonito, of London. Upgang Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
Brigantine Sam Wellcr, of Brixham. Palling No." 1 Life-boat stood by vessel.
Steam trawler Glencsk,ol North Shields. BoulmerLife-boatlandedl.
Ditto ditto ditto rescued 8 Schooner Useful, of Barrow. Ramsey Life-boat rescued ... 4 Fishing-cobles, of Arbroath. Arbroath Life-boat stood by cobles.
S.S. Peua Bocias, of Santander. Sunderland (South Outlet) Life-boat rendered assistance.
Schooner Irish Girl, of Dundalk. Holyhead (Steam) Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
Schooner Emily Warbrick, of Fleetwood. Moelfre Life-boat landed 5.
Fishing-cobles, of Girvau. Girvan Life-boat rendered assistance.
Schooner Progress, of Wicklow. Llandudno Life-boat took derelict out of track of vessels.
Brig Commerce, of Newhaven. Newhaven Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
Ketch Ameliaand Ann, of Goole. Palling No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
Brigantine Mary Annie, of Folkestone. Palling No. 1 Life-boat rescued 1 Ketch Ocean Pearl, of Wexford. Howth Life-boat saved vessel and 3 Trawler Annie, of Brixham. Padstow No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
Yacht Lady Lucy, of Liverpool. Bhyl Life-boat saved ... 1 Ship ellgunde, of Hamburg. Bally waiter Life-boat stood by vessel.
S.S. Lilian, of Newcastle. Seaham Life-boat saved .... 12 S.S. Lake Michigan, of Liverpool. Dungeness No. 2 Life-boat stood by vessal and transferred 46 persons to a tug.Lives 1904. saved.
Feb. 19-20. 10.0a.m. S.S. Lake Michigan, of Liverpool. Dungeness No. 1 Life-boat stood by vessel.
,, 20-25. 8.0 a.m. Ditto ditto Winchelsea Life-boat stood by vessel.
,, 20. 3. Op.m. Ditto ditto Dungeness No. 1 Life-boat landed 46 from tug.
,, 22-25. 11.0 a.m. Ditto ditto Dungeness No. 2 Life-boat stood by vessel, „ 24. 9.30a.m. A fishing-boat, of Gourdon. Gourdon Life-boat remained in attendance.
„ 26. 1.45 a.m. S.S. Villalegre, of Aviles. Boulmer Life-boat rescued ... 20 Mar. 1. 12.30 a.m. Ditto ditto ditto landed 6.
Feb. 20. 9.40 a.m. Schooner Leif, of Rudkjobing. Walton-on-Naze Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
„ 26. 2.20p.m. Fishing-boat Olive, of Banff. Wick Life-boat rendered assistance.
,, 26. G.14p.m. Ship Alauda, of Hamburg. Weymouth Life-boat stood by vessel.
,, 27. 8.38 a.m. Barque Actceon, of Drammen. Winterton No. 2 Life-boat stood by vessel.
Mar. 4. 9. 0 a.m. S.S. MargaretUe, of Bergen. Broadstairs Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
„ 4. 7.45 p.m. Ketch Eothie May, of Fowey. Margate No. 1 Life-boat saved vessel and 4 ,, 5. 12.40 p.m. Fishing-boats of Stonehaven. Stonehaven Life-boat remained in attendance.
,, 7. Midnight. Schooner Yarra Yarra, of Skerries. Eosslare Harbour Life-boat saved 3 „ 8. 6.15 a.m. S.S. AyutUia, of London. Runswick Life-boat saved .... 36 „ 9. 6.27 p.m. Shrimp boat Falcon, of Yarmouth. Gorlestou No. 2 Life-boat saved boat and 2 „ 9. 11.45p.m. Steam launch Starry, of Lowestoft. Margate No. 1 Life-beat saved 3 ,, 10. 4.40a.m. Ketch Robert Henry, of Rye. Margate No. 1 Life-boat saved vessel and 3 „ 12. 3.20 a.m. Brigantine Eleanor, of Yarmouth. Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
,, 20. 9.50p.m. Barque Gicydyr Castle, of Liverpool. Kamsgate Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
„ 21. 4.55 a.m. S.S. Clan Grant, of Glasgow. Holyhead (Steam) Life-boat stood by vessel.
„ 21. C. 0 a.m. Schooner licgiilus, of Riga. Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
„ 21. 1. 0 a.m. Schooner Antje, of Geestemunde. New Romney Life-boat saved 5 „ 24. 4. 0 a.m. Steam trawler Frobislier, of Yarmouth. Pakefield Life-boat assisted to save vessel and 9 „ 26. 6.20 p.m. A Fishing-boat of Montrose. Montrose No. 2 Life-boat saved . 4 ,, 27. 8.30 a.m. S.S. Maggie Boss, of Aberdeen. Staithes Life-boat saved . . . C „ 29. 4.15 a.m. Ketch Progress, of Brixham. Newhaveu Life-boat stood by vessel.
„ 29. 12.40a.m. Trawler Industry, of Lowestoft. Lowestoft No. 2 Life-boat saved 5 ,, 30. 2.30 a.m. Trawler Industry, of Lowestoft. Lowestoft No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
April 1. 5. 0 p.m. Yacht Little Teal, of Berwick. Berwick-on-Tweed Life-boat saved yacht and 3 ,, ?. 1.15 p.m. S.S. Belle, of Wexford. Wexford Life-boat saved a „ 3. 4.33 a.m. Yacht Shrimp, of Rockferry. Hoylake Life-boat rescued . . 4 „ 3. 11.25 a.m. Steam launch Sterry, of Lowestoft. Porthleveu Life-boat rendered assistance.
,, 5. 7.30p.m. Smack Annie, of Wexford. Wexford Life-boat rescued ... 7 ,, 6. 10.15p.m. Steam trawler Ben Venue, of Aberdeen. Peterhead Life-boat saved 9 „ 10-11. 6.5p.m. Barquentine Jessie, of Drogheda. Port Logan Life-boat stood by vessel.
„ 11-12. 1.0p.m. Barquentine Jessie, of Droghcda. Port Logan Life-boat rendered assistance.
,, 13. 9.30 a.m. Barque Baldur, of Trondhjem. Kingsdowne Life-boat assisted to save vessel.
„ 15. 5.15 p.m. Fishing coble Lady Morris, of Whitby. Whitby No. 1 Life-boat saved 3 Fishing-cobles, of Whitby. Whitby No. 1 Life-boat landed 1 and remained in attendance.
,, 18. 3.15 p.m. Smack George Evans, of Cardigan. Fishguard No. 2 Life-boat rendered assistance.
May 2. 7.20 a.m. Schooner Tlie Saint, of Padstow. Totland Bay Life-boat saved . 1 IST FEBRUARY, 1905.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 317 Lives 1904. saved. Nov. 18. 2. Op.m. Steam dredger Triton, of Kotterdam. Brooke Life-boat rescued. 10 „ W. 5.55 p.m. Fishing-boat Mizpah, of North Sunderland. North Suuderland Life-boat stood by boat. „ 21. 10.30 p.m. Five fishing-boats, of Eastbourne. Eastbourne No. 1 Life-boat stood by boats. ,, 22. 2. 0 a.m Schooner Ellen, of Wexford. Moelfre Life-boat rescued . 4 22 8.30 a.m. Boat of sch. Craig Alvah, of Dover. Seaton Carew Life-boat saved 8 ',', 2S! 2.41 p.m S.S. Tync, of Newcastle. Harwich (Steam) Life-boat assisted to save vessel. „ 26. 12.30 p.m Barque Pen-in, of Genoa. Walmer L.-boat assisted to save vessel. „ 30. 7.40 a.m. Barquentine Tweed, Faversham. Broadstairs Life-boat stood by. Dec. 4. 10. 0 a.m Brigantine Carrie Belle, of Plymouth. Poole Life-boat stood by. „ 4. 3. Op.m. Ketch Zenoltia, of London. Poole Life-boat assisted to save vessel. 8. 11.30 a.m. Five fishing-boats, of Cromer. Cromer Life-boat stood by boats. 8. 10. 0 p.m. 4 ,, 9. G. Oa.m. Ketch Shamrock, of Barnstaple. Appledore No. 1 Life-boat rescued 4 g G, 0 ci.ui A coble of Newbig in Newbi in Life-boat saved . 1 ,, */.
., 9. 9. Oa.m. Dandy Catherine Latham, of Chester. Blackrock Life-boat rescued 4 „ 9. 10.15 a.m Sch. Agnes, of Preston. Skerries Life-boat assisted to save vessel. ., 9. 7. Op.m Three fishing-boats, of Port Isaac. Port Isaac Life-boat rendered assistance. „ 9. 8. 20 p.m Cutter Take Care, of Portsmouth. Totland Bay Life-boat rendered assistance. , 10. 12.37 p.m S.S. Ulloa, of Barcelona. New Brighton (Steam) Life-boat landed 1. , 11- 8.55 p.m S.S. Ulloa, of Barcelona. New Brighton (Steam) Life-boat rescued 10 , 12. 3.30 p.m Boat 3felrose Abbey, of Wexford. Wexford Life-boat rescued. 2 , 12. 4.45 p.m Fishing-boat Rosebud, of Portavogic. Cloughey Life-boat rescued 3 , 12 13. 10.20 p. m. Barque Tmtraine, of Nantes. Groomsport Life-boat stood by vessel. ,, 13. 0.26 a.m . Hopper barge Ilhinoceros, of London. New Brighton (Steam) 6 ,, 13. 5.15 a.m . Ditto Hilbre Island Life-boat assisted to save barge. :. 13. 3. 0 a.m S.S. Tweed, of Berwick-on-Tweed. Berwick-on-Tweed Life-boat stood by vessel. „ 13. 8.40 a.m Flat Fair Trade, of Llandulas. Hoylake Life-boat saved . . 3 „ 13. 10.30 a.m. Schooner Dams, of Christiansand. Dunbar Life-boat saved . 8 „ 1*. 4.15 a.m Ketch Dolphin, of Bideford. Clovelly Life-boat rescued . 3 „ 10. 10. 0 a.m. S.S. Bonawe, of Glasgow. Irvine Life-boat rendered assistance. ,, 1C. 3.45 p.m S.S. Filippo Artelli, of Trieste. Palling No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save vessel. „ 10. 7.30 p.m . Ditto Winterton No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save vessel. „ 30. 9.10 a.m . Fishing-boat Ebenezcr, of Johnshaven. Johnshaven Life-boat rendered assistance. „ 30. 10.30 a.m . Barge Sandy, of London. Southend-on-Sea Life-boat rescued . 3 Afterwards saved barge. „ 30 12.30 p.m . Barge Kimbcrley, of Ipswich. Southend-on-Sea Life-boat saved 2 „ 30. 10.40 a.m . Schooner Nancy, of Goole. Lowestoft No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save vessel. „ 30. 11.50 a.m . Schooner Jumper, of Bideford. Clovelly Life-boat rescued . . 4 Total lives saved by the Life-boats in 1904, in addition to 390 Life-boats also landed 104 persons, some of whom had taken refuge on light vessels, while others were brought ashore in the Life-boats as a precautionary measure. Be wards were also granted by the Institution in the same period for saving by means of Fishing- and other Boats, etc. . • . 138 Total for 1904 528 NOTICE. The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, containing the Annual Report, d-e.t icill be published on the 1st May..