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Paula Bertha

About 8 A.M.

on the 1st September the Coastguard gave information to the Coxswain of the No. 1 Life-boat, Samuel Plimsoll, that a vessel was aground on the Holm Sand.

He promptly mustered his crew, and left for the vessel in tow of a tug. On reaching the sands the Life-boat was anchored and veered down to the wreck, which proved to be the trawler Paula Bertha, of Ostend, outward bound from Yarmouth. She was hard on the sand and leaking a great deal, the crew were therefore taken into the boat, which then proceeded to get clear of the sands. In the meantime the trawler on the rising tide floated off' the sand into deep water. The boat at once made for her, and several of the men were placed on hoard, and an attempt made to save her. A hawser was carried to the tug, and the trawler was towed to Lowestoft and beached. During the service there was a strong N.N.E.

breeze, with a heavy sea running on the sands..