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Edith Crossfield

Shortly after mid-clay on the 25th May the Chief Officer of Coastguard reported tbat he had just received a telegram from Swansea, stating that the captain of the s.s. Tyne had reported a ship- wrecked crew on the North Bishop's Rock. When observed by the steamer her life-boat was at once launched, but they were unable to effect any com- munication on account of the high sea running. Immediately on receipt of the news the Life-boat Gem was despatched to the help of the five men, whom they found on the rock as stated ; they were taken into the Life-boat without delay and landed in safety at St. David's.

They subsequently stated that their vessel, the schooner Edith Crossjield, of Barrow, had struck the rock at G P.M.

on the 23rd and sank in half an hour.

Happily they had all managed to get on to the rock in safety, but were compelled to remain there as the ship's boat was wrecked in landing..