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Bonnie Lad

On the morning of the 6th August, the llfraeombe Life-boat Go-operator No. - rescued two persons, who were found in a pitiable condition in a fishing boat, which was dismasted and drifting helplessly in a strong W.S.W. wind and rough sea. The boat Bonnie Lad, of Sermen, had been fishing at Sal von, and when about five miles east of Lundy Island homeward bound, had her mast and sails blown away in a squall, about 9 o'clock in the evening of the /5th. She drifted all that night, and it was only due to both men bailing continuously and pumping, that she was kept afloat. About 9 A.M.

she was observed from llfracombe, and reported to the Coxswain of the Life- boat. In less than five minutes, the Co-operator No. '2 was launched, and with the wind and tide in her favour, reached the disabled craft half an hour later, off Watersmouth. It was at once seen that the two men were in a thoroughly exhausted state and almost helpless. Two Life-boatmen were placed on board, who gave them rum and biscuits, and it subsequently transpired that they had had nothing to eat for : over twenty-four hours. The Bonnie Lad was then taken in tow, and both boats reached llfracombe har- bour during the afternoon. The two men, who were father and son, were both very grateful for their timely rescue, and the elder man subsequently stated that " he was never so delighted in his life as when he caught sight of the Life-boat." A few days later, after their safe return home, the Hon. Secretary ' of the llfracombe Branch, Mr. W. COLK, received a letter expressing the heartfelt gratitude of the rescued men and their relations to all who had assisted them in their hour of need..