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A Boat

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the 25th August, two youths, aged 15 and 14 respec- tively, took a boat from her moorings in the harbour and proceeded out to sea.

OH getting clear of the harbour, it was noticed by the onlookers that they were inexperienced, and unable to manage their craft. There was a strong W.N.W. breeze blowing with heavy squalls and a moderately high sea. The boat, being driven before the wind and ' O tide, became unmanageable, and the lives of the lads were thought to be in danger. The Life-boat James Stevens No. 7 was therefore launched and was sent to their assistance. In the mean- time the wind lulled somewhat and shifted, and the lads rowed to the Bailey Lighthouse Cliffs, where two boatmen from the shore got on board.

i On the arrival of the Life-boat the whole party was taken on board, and the boat was towed back to harbour..